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"Ah, Mr l/n," we were greeted by a dark haired, glasses wearing male that reminded me of Kyoya just more stone faced and much older, "good for you to finally join us."

"Sorry for the wait, we had some... problems," dad glanced at me, obviously meaning the dress code and the amount of times I tried to wear my tie loose. I just looked to the side and sighed. This place is big, it's a modern style mansion, I definitely prefer this kind of house to the one I'm stuck in, then again I prefer my old small apartment from my band days any day.

"Alright. You must be f/n l/n," the man looked at me, I nodded, "Kyoya has told me a lot about you."

"He... has?" I asked, "wait-- that must mean that you're his father. Mr Ootori, nice to meet you."

"You must be Toru l/n," he looked down at Toru who was stood behind me, holding onto the back of my shirt as she looked on nervously, "and you are--"

"Nagisa l/n, it's a pleasure," mum interrupted him, her usual rough way of speaking was drowned out by smooth and perfect politeness which surprised me. I've never seen her like this... amazing... didn't know she could be anything but, well, her.

"Well, nice to meet you, follow me and we'll start eating," Mr Ootori gestured and we followed him into the dining where Kyoya was sat, looking pretty uncomfortable next to a man who looked like his father, opposite was another man who looked more like Kyoya but slightly older. A woman sat next to that man, Mr Ootori took a seat at the head of the table while my dad sat down at the bottom of the table, my mum sat to the left of him next to a girl, who, as soon as she saw me sit down opposite her, beamed brightly in my direction. Toru sat next to me and I gave Kyoya a nod in greeting, he was sat on my right.

"You're Leo, right?" the girl opposite me asked. I tensed at hearing that name, I noticed my family smile sadly at her from that question.

"Uh-- yeah I was," I nodded, "not anymore, though."

"It's a shame, I really did love your music-- oh where are my manners, I am Fuyumi, Kyoya's older sister," she grinned, "if you have the time, would you play a song for us?"

It's getting harder to keep this smile on my face.

"Sorry-- I can't," I forced the smile to stay, "I don't play anymore."

"Oh? Why not?" she asked, "you were so good playing!"

"Fuyumi you're delving into private matters now," Kyoya spoke up when I was about to reply, "I suggest you stop."

I looked at him out the corner of my eye, I guess I need to remember to thank him later.

"My big brother really was amazing!" Toru exclaimed, "but he hurt his voice so now he can't sing. And playing the guitar makes him sad... so music hurts him."

She remembers me telling her about my cover for not singing. I could tell my parents looked confused in their eyes but nodded along with her.

"Our boy is still recovering," dad added to the story making it just a little bit more believable.

"That's unfortunate," the woman, I'm guessing is Kyoya's mother commented, though I could tell that she didn't really care on the matter.

"Anyway, Mr l/n, allow me to introduce you to my sons," Mr Ootori gestured to the two near him, "Yuichi, my oldest, and Akito, second oldest. Then beside your son is Kyoya, my youngest."

"Then opposite your son is Fuyumi, my third child," he added on, "I'd introduce you to her husband, but he is on a business trip at the moment so he isn't here with us today."


Though the way you said that, it sounded like he was dead.

"It's good to finally meet you all," dad nodded, "this is my oldest, y/n, and next to him is my youngest, Toru."

Toru shifted slightly in her seat, obviously a bit uncomfortable. This is her first formal dinner that's not part party so it's understandable. Not to mention, these guys are like...stones.

This is going to be a long night.

I fiddled with the top of my tie, earning a glare from my mum, I quickly put my hand down again and sighed. Not only are the Ootoris making me uncomfortable, but the fact I have to wear such formal clothes and have it straight is just as equally uncomfortable. I feel like this tie is strangling me. How irritating.

While we were eating, the whole conversation was just with Mr Ootori and his two oldest sons and my father while Fuyumi, Kyoya, Mrs Ootori, Toru, me and mum all stayed silent.

"Excuse me, I'm going to get some air," I announced once I finished my meal and stood up, walking out onto the balcony and leaned on the railing.

I took a deep breath in and then released it and sighed.

"Man, I hate these things," I groaned, pulling my phone out and looking at the time, "not even 9pm yet. This is exhausting."

"I agree," someone's voice came from behind me, I turned around to see Kyoya, he walked over and leaned on the railing as well, but instead of facing out into the garden like I was, he faced the building. His eyes narrowed and calculating as he continued to observe what was happening inside despite not being part of it.

"Mr Ootori not having fun?" I teased, he shot me a look that just screamed 'don't call me that'.

"You look miserable as well," he commented.

"Well whether it surprises you or not," I started, "I'm more like... What you call a 'commoner' at heart. This rich people stuff and business meetings are definitely not my style."

He pushed his glasses up and peered at me.

"You...are quite interesting," he commented.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I frowned, "was that an insult or..?"

"No. Not particularly," he shook his head, "it's more of an observation."

I raised my brow in his direction.

"Well then, you're quite boring," I told him, "you've got no sense of individuality from the rest of the rich people. Thus making you extremely boring."

"Well I take pride in my 'extremely boring' self," he retorted, not bothered by my words at all.

What are you? A stone? You have little to no emotions.

"Big brother!" Toru jumped on me and looked to Kyoya, "did I interrupt something?"

"No," I shook my head, "something wrong?"

"No. I am really bored," Toru complained, "why did we have to come? Couldn't we have stayed at home?"

"Probably not," I smiled weakly at her before pulling out my earphones and plugging them in my phone, "go sit down and listen to music. If someone asks you about it, just say I told you to. I'll take any blame."

"Thank you," she smiled before running back into the house.

I smiled before sighing and turning forward again, staring out into the garden.

The feeling of me being stared at made me frown, the staring didn't stop and I felt my eyebrow twitch slightly as my annoyed mood increased.

"Will you stop staring already?!" I shouted at Kyoya who just turned away like it was nothing.

"Staring?" he repeated, "I would never."

I can hear your sarcasm! Bastard!

Looking out over the garden, I find myself wanting to play music, it's a perfect place to play. No-! I can't. 

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