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So, Saturday came around and I was driving to the Scorpio headquarters for the Zodiac gang.

When I pulled up, I came across a view I didn't expect to ever see in a gang's headquarters. There were toys and children's chalk scribbles all along the pavement.

"I'll... Wait here for you," I told Kaede.

"What do I say?" she looked at me slightly panicked, "what if he turns me away?"

"We've talked about this already," I told her, "you know what to say and if he turns you away, he lost a rhino who can turn his world upside down."

"Can't you ever just be straight up and tell me something like a normal person?" she laughed slightly before glancing back to Takano, "should I take him with me?"

"Yes," I nodded, "but make sure that you tell him you're not running back to him because you have no money or nowhere to stay. Make sure you tell him that it's because you miss him and you love him because you do love him, right?"

"Yes," she nodded, "I do. A lot. And I'm not afraid anymore. I won't run away from him this time, you've taught me that being in a relationship won't chain me down. Chains only come when I doubt myself."

When did I?

"Yeah. Sure. Now go," I just went along with her and shooed her out of the car, "Good luck!"

She nodded and picked Takano up before walking down the path. I watched from inside the car and let out a shaky breath.

"I'm nervous for her myself," I sighed.

Wait a minute... She has another son right? How old would he be now? Didn't she say she didn't finish highschool because of him. That means she had him when she was 16 or 17 so he's probably 9 or 10 now, right? That's a bit of an awkward age to have his mother come back into. I can imagine that he won't be too happy with her.

The door opened and out was Reijin.

He's got a beard now? Well, it's more like a messy stubble and his hair is long as hell. Has having a son really been that hard on him? He looks a mess...

The sight made me want to laugh.

But I stopped when I noticed the stone cold look in his eyes while he listened to Kaede talk.

Just how long is he going to just let her talk? She's just going to ramble onto another subject soon...

I have a feeling she's already totally off subject.

I was about to get out to try and save her ass when suddenly he dragged her into a bear hug, Takano, who was stood next to her, just watched on in confusion.

So Takano is two years old now. And she left before he was born. Oh wait-- that means her other son did grow up a portion of his life with her. Now I'm even more nervous for them meeting again.

I noticed that Reijin was on his knees in front of Takano.

Now that I see them side by side, you can tell they're father and son. Takano has Kaede's eyes and personality but everything else is basically Reijin but much younger and smaller.

Suddenly Kaede turned to the car and said something to Reijin before she gestured for me to come over.

"Crap," I hissed, "now I'm worried... Oh man... What do I do? I'm totally going to mess this up, aren't I?"

I slowly got out the car, trying to calm myself down before my heart decided to leap out my chest and try kill me when seeing Reijin for the first time in four years again.

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