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"Cloudia!" I knocked on his and Zen's door, it opened and there they were in the same situation with one bed.

"Oi--" Zen was the one at the door, "tell me that you're also like this!"

"We are also like that," I nodded as we walked in, "Nanan and I are sleeping on the sofas in our rooms. Just shove Cloudia on the one in here."

"I'm going to," he replied. Wow, he looks super pissed. How amusing.

"Cloudia, we're here for our schedule," I announced as we took a seat, "hm? Where is he?"

"Over there," Zen pointed to a corner where a blob of something familiar laid.

"What? That's Cloudia?" Nanan asked, poking it.

"Don't poke it," Chika pulled him away, "it could be contaminated."

"Don't be stupid, it's just Cloudia," I shook my head, "anyway, stop moping around in the corner and give us our schedules."

I grabbed Cloudia and dragged him out the corner.

"Fine..." he grumbled, "devil children, all of you!"

He rummaged through one of his bags and then threw us all a sheet of paper.

"I'll have Kyoya stay at my side at all times," Cloudia said, "and when he's not with me he'll be with you guys. Anyway, your schedules are packed. You have no free time until you're disqualified."

"What?!" we all shouted.

"You're a slave driver!" Nanan shouted, now suddenly wide awake.

"You want us to die?" Chika asked.

I looked down at the paper, then glanced at the others.

"It looks like Chika's schedule matches mine when we break off for separate things," I nodded, "what's happening?"

"Right so Nanan and Zen will stick together during the extra things when it's not whole group activities and Chika and y/n, Kyoya as well, will be together," Cloudia replied, "it makes it easier and you'll be watching out for each other. Zen you need to be more alert with that energetic ball of life with you at all times."

"Hey!" Nanan shouted.

"Yeah yeah," Zen nodded, "oh and communication... Chika, you're not very confident with English are you?"

"No," Chika shook his head, "I can only barely manage our songs and that's only because we practiced them endlessly."

"Y/n, and Kyoya if you don't mind, help him out will you?" Zen asked.

"Don't worry, Chika's fine with me," I nodded, "anyway the majority of these at photo shoots and interviews for the competition. Are you trying to make us a model?"

"No," Cloudia shook his head, "people just want to put you on covers and stuff. Just suck it up and work hard."

Well that's nice, now isn't it?

"Yeah yeah," I rolled my eyes, "just treat us for food."

"What? All of you?" Cloudia gave me a look that resembled a dead fish.

"Yes. For the inconvenience, you will treat every single person in this room to dinner," I glared at him, "or I refuse to do any work."

"You know he'll do it," Zen joined me in glaring, "I will also back out."

"And me," Chika and Nanan both said.

"So no dinner, no Zodiac," I smirked before looking at Kyoya, "and you're not allowed to pay, sit back and enjoy being paid for."

"A-alright," he nodded, though I could tell he didn't want to do that at all.

"Fine! But you're paying for your own meals after today!" Cloudia shouted, "come on, we need to go downstairs and then call for our body guards."

"You can pay for a meal for them too," I stuck my tongue out before running out the room.

"You're pushing it too far, kid!" Cloudia shouted after me before I bumped into someone.

"Ow-- oh sorry," I pushed to my knees to see the rat, "actually, I retract that, I am not sorry."

"I didn't want your apology anyway," Cole glared at me as we both pushed ourselves to our feet, "damn it, I have to be in the same hotel as the damn wild cat."

"Being with a wild cat is better than a rat," I retorted.

"What're you-- oh it's you..." Nanan gave an equally disgusted look.

With Cole, Dom, Key, Ghone and Rolo were all there. Rolo sighed and grabbed Cole's head and forced him to bow with him.

"Sorry about his foul personality. He can't help it, his ego is too big," Rolo apologised (?) to us.

"And so the two biggest competitors have met already," the sound of someone commentating from beside us caught our attention, I turned my head to see a guy with a microphone in his hand and another guy following him with a camera on his shoulder, "who you're seeing live on the scene is the three year champions, Zodiac and the second place champions, Lost 'n' Found! At each others throats as always. The competition between the two bands seems to be as on fire as ever! I heard that you two wrote songs for idol groups last month and ended up turning it into a competition over who's song was better."

Seriously? Why am I already stuck in a spontaneous interview?!

"I heard it was a battle not to miss, and miss we did not! It was all over the news, every channel," the dude continued to ramble on, "and in the end, Zodiac's song came out on top, it seems that Lost 'n' Found is always one step behind Zodiac, how do you feel about that?"

"You hear that?" I nudged Zen, "We're one step ahead of them at ALL times."

"I heard," Zen nodded, nudging me back, "seems we're better than the rat and his buck of friends?"

"It does," I nodded, "anyway, in all seriousness, we put a lot of effort into making a really good song for Roulette and I lost a hell of a lot of sleep but it was all worth it when I saw everyone dancing and singing happily on the stage. I'm not going to say that the smiles were the prize because literally no one will believe me, I wouldn't believe myself. But what the prize was the fact our song actually came out god damn amazing. Lost 'n' Found's song sounded... strange..."

"What do you mean it sounded strange?!" Cole shouted.

"I mean, you didn't take into consideration X-Force's vocal ranges or anything," I replied, "the song you made, though it would've been good for you, was not good for X-Force. But hey, it's your song, who am I to criticise? Anyway, we are hungry. Come on Cloudia you owe us food!"

"I know," Cloudia glumly walked past the other group and the other guys followed.

"Excuse us," I nodded to them before following them as well, Kyoya started walking beside me.

"So... You like to antagonise your fellow musicians?" he asked.

"Only those ones," I replied, "Lost 'n' Found is basically our biggest enemy ever created. Well, Cole is. He's an asshole."

"You called him a rat," he said.

"So I did because he is a rat," I nodded, "I warn you, just don't even try to get along with him. He's like Tamaki but worse."

"Yes. I think I'll avoid him," Kyoya confirmed.

"You have the foresight. I did not. Well done," I patted his shoulder as we got into the lift with everyone else.

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