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"We can take them out for you now, if you'd like," the doctor told me.

"Yes please," I nodded.

"Alright, I'll get to preparing," he told me.


"How was it?" Zen asked once I climbed into the van and buckled my seat belt in.

"Got my stitches removed but now I have a very cool looking scar on my back," I replied, shooting him a thumbs up, "now, let's go to our first job."

The day passed and we were thrown all over Tokyo.

"So exhausted," Nanan complained as we all basically died on the sofas in our recording studio.

"What on earth happened today?" Chika asked, sounding just as tired as Nanan had.

"Radio interview, photo shoot, photo shoot, ad recording, a small concert, another radio interview and a TV guest appearance," I listed everything off before breathing out a sigh of relief, "at least now we can rest."

"Actually, Chika, I need your voice," I sat up, Chika sat up with me and gave me a curious look.

"A new song?" he asked.

"It's nothing the whole band can play so not really. I just want to hear how this would sound with two voices," I told him.

"Alright, I'll bite," he agreed, "let's go into the recording booth though. It's got the better instruments to play."

"Thanks," I smiled and we both got up and walked into the booth.

I noticed the other guys sitting on the other side of the glass and listening in.

Sitting down at the piano, I pull out my sheet music book and lyrics note book before placing them both on the stand. Chika sat next to me and read over them both.

"Interesting," he nodded, "it's pretty simple but it's kind of nice."

"Well I can't hit those high notes so if you don't mind I'll be singing part one," I told him with a small smile.

"Don't worry, I can get those," Chika nodded before I started playing the piano according to what I'd written.

(This is wondering from high school musical the musical)

Cloudia's PoV

"Boys, phones up, I have a feeling this is going to be beautiful," I said, pulling out my phone and going onto the bands social media and beginning to record them as the music began playing.

"Seems like a part of me will always have to lose. Every single time I have to choose. Swore that it felt right, but was I wrong?" y/n sang out, "Is this where I'm supposed to be at all? I don’t have the answers, not today. It's like nothing makes the questions go away. What I'd give to see if the grass was greener."

"On the other side of all I’ve had and lost. Would it be enough or would I still be wondering?" he continued, his voice... I forgot what it sounded like until now...

"If I could go back and change the past. Be a little braver than I had. And bet against the odds. Would I still be lost? Even if I woke up in my dreams," he leaned back slightly as he hit the chorus and pushed on his voice to make it go slightly louder than what he would usually hit, "Would there still be something I'm missing? If I had everything, would it mean anything to me? Ooh."

"Feels like I might have broke the best thing that I had," this time Chika began singing while y/n stopped and focused on playing the piano, "I said too much to ever take it back. Scared I'll never find something as good. And would I even know it if I could?"

"On the other side of all I've had and lost. Would it be enough or would I still be wondering?" they both sang, their voices mixing together perfectly. Makes me wonder why we had y/n and Rein sing together, I mean-- their voices were perfect matches too but neither could hit the high notes like Chika could... What am I thinking? Either way, it worked out.

"Or would I still be wondering, oh?" y/n sang out.

"If I could go back and change the past. Be a little braver than I had. And bet against the odds. Would I still be lost?" they both sang, Chika's voice breaking away to sing much higher notes compared to y/n who was straining to hit the more difficult notes he had in his own part, "Even if I woke up in my dreams. Would there still be something I'm missing? If I had everything, would it mean anything?"

"Maybe I should turn around and take the other road, Or maybe I'm just lookin' for what I already know," Chika sung as y/n took a couple moments to rest.

"I'm just wondering," they both sang in perfect unison, it was almost like they'd already played the song before.

Damn prodigies.

"If I could go back and change the past. Be a little braver than I had. And bet against the odds. Would I still be lost?" Chika continued, now the song was lower slightly in key and those crazy high notes had totally disappeared.

"Even if I woke up in my dreams. Would there still be something I’m missing. If I had everything, would it mean anything to me?" they both sang.

"Would it be enough. Or would I still be wondering?" y/n finished the song off like he had he begun it.

"Hell yeah," y/n grinned and put his hand out, Chika gave him a high five and gave him one of the very rare smiles we ever see from him, "that was great. I knew you'd be able to hit those high notes."

"It was nothing really," Chika replied. I stopped recording and went to post it before realising I don't know the title.

"Y/n, what's the songs title?" I asked through the mic connecting the two rooms.

"Wondering," y/n replied, "why are you going to post it or something?"

"Yes I am," I replied, "it was a masterpiece. Perfect for your voices, good work."

"Thanks," y/n nodded with a small shrug, "though I didn't write it to have it praised. I wrote it because I wanted to. That's all."

The two stood up from the piano and walked into this room again.

I finished typing everything out and posted it to the bands pages while the other guys posted it to their individual pages, though just thirty second teasers to have people go to the actual band pages to listen to the whole song.

Heheheh how easy people fall for such promotion efforts.

"Cloudia, you're doing that face again," Nanan said, I looked to the four to see them looking at me weirdly.

"He was thinking something evil," Chika commented.

"How disturbing," Zen frowned.

"Bad, Cloudia," y/n glared.

"Hey hey, whatever you're thinking stop," I put my hands up but they just stepped back.

Oh my reputation!

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