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"Didn't you play that with Rein?" Toru asked as we walked to the office again.

"Uh-- yeah... I think so," I nodded, "Motzart's Sonata for two pianos in D Major. It's been a while. Anyway, I should head back now. See you back at home."

"Alright," she grinned, "bye!"

I handed my visitors pass in and left the school, walking back to mine. 

When I reached there, I opened the door to music room 3 to hear the missing part of the two piano Sonata from earlier.

"Wow so the all mighty Tamaki can play the piano," I joked as I walked into the room, "not only that but he can play Motzart's Sonata for two pianos in D Major. I applaud you, good sir."

"You can play, y/n senpai?" Haruhi asked, I nodded.

"Well-- as far as I know I can. I haven't played it in a long time," I told her as I walked over and grabbed my bag, "anyway, if you're going to be playing music in here, I'll stay away from the club for a while."

"No!" Tamaki grabbed me, "you can help me!"

He's whining at me.

"No way," I shook my head.

"Please~" he looked at me with puppy eyes.

"No," I frowned, standing my ground.

"Please," he asked, dragging out the word more than necessary.

"No!" I shook him off me but instead I felt a pair of hands lift me up, "Mori senpai, please put me down... I really can't play music anymore so there's no point."

"Hey, Shiro, get him to help us," Tamaki turned to the small boy, he frowned but nodded and walked over to where I was currently hanging in the air like a doll.

"Please, y/n senpai, help me learn how to play the piece!" Shiro bowed to me, I stared at him with wide eyes and looked away.

"Stop bowing," I muttered, "it's embarrassing."

I hate it when people bow to me, it draws too much attention and it makes me feel uncomfortable. Tamaki must've picked up on this because he bowed too.

"Please!" they both shouted.

"Fine! I'll do it! Just stop that!" I shouted at them, "it's embarrassing!"

I'll just skip school for the next week. I'll go to Kaigen Ramen, it's been a while since I've seen old man Tenchi. 

However, the next day...

"What are you doing here?" I asked, looking at Kyoya who was leaning on his car door.

"Picking you up, of course," he replied, "I had a feeling you were going to skip school so I'm taking you to school."

"You're too smart for your own good," I rolled my eyes but climbed into the car nonetheless. He got in after me and thus began my torturous week of teaching someone to play the piano without touching the instrument myself.

"I told you, you need a C sharp there!" I sighed, pointing to the sheet music, "it's literally circled in red. Man, this is hopeless. I can't teach, Tamaki, your turn."

"Yes, sir!" he saluted in a chipper tone and suddenly Shiro was able to play the song pretty perfectly.

Yeah. I just suck at teaching.

Then days later after listening to messy playing that gradually got better, Hina was invited to the host club and we were forced to greet her in white suits and listen to the two of them play together.

I yawned and laid down.

"It's been a while since I had a nap," I smiled, "sleeping to music is perfect."

Then the next day, Shiro is back in the host club, tormenting Tamaki and stealing his guests, even the one who he insulted was after him.

"I heard you played the piano, y/n," one of my guests started a conversation.

"No, I didn't play it," I shook my head, "I just listened."

"That's a shame," another one sighed, "I would've loved to hear your playing."

"I don't play anymore," I told them with a smile before Kyoya stopped behind me.

"You'll play again one day, I know it," he commented.

"You sound really confident for a smug looking bastard," I rolled my eyes.

"I just know what I'm talking about," Kyoya replied with a shrug and walked away.

Why you bastard. How irritating.

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