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We all slumped down in our seats in the waiting room.

"That was exhausting!" Nanan sighed, "but did you guys hear me? I was singing too!"

"Yes we heard," Chika nodded, "you were very loud."

"Probably not loud enough for the audience to hear, but we hold it close to our hearts that you joined in," Zen replied with a smile and ruffled his hair, "Good job, kitten."

"Yeah!" Nanan cheered.

The door flew open and Cloudia came flying in with Kyoya following behind him. Kyoya sat beside me and placed his laptop on the table.

"Your popularity is sky rocketing," Kyoya announced, "you've got a 5% increase in followers and your albums have had ten thousand new downloads."

"Oh jeez--" I stared at the numbers, "that's more than last year."

"Crazy what a little hiatus and a bunch of new songs can do for you," Zen shrugged.

"Yes, I'd probably say that your break from the band was probably one of the main reasons for the sudden increase in popularity," Kyoya agreed, "not to mention, as soon as you returned, you had the public eye right back on you with new songs and a public announcement about what happened."

"So these a sympathy buys?" I asked.

"Who cares?!" Cloudia exclaimed, "sympathy buys are better than none at all."

Actually, I'd probably say it was the opposite, but sure.

My phone rung again, I pulled it out to see it was Toru again. I answered it, placed it on the table and put it on speaker.

"Big brother!"

That's not Toru's voice.

"Momochi!" Nanan jumped to his feet.

Oh that's Momochi?

"You looked awesome up there!"

"Thanks, Momo!" Nanan grinned.

"-- Hey, Momochi, give me my phone! -- hey, y/n, your vote count is really high!"

That's Toru.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. But I have a feeling its going to be close this year."

" -- Can I have that? -- sure. Y/n, Reijin is coming on."

I sighed and leaned into my seat.

"Hey, you guys!"

Reijin's voice.

"Hey!" we all replied in unison. Though mine was a bit less enthusiastic than everyone else's.

"You guys were amazing. I'm sure Rein would've been ecstatic to have seen you guys preform so well."

We all sat in silence.

"You seriously did great. Keep working hard, 'kay."

"Zodiac! The results are being announced," someone shouted.

"Sorry, Reijin, the results are being announced. Got to go," I quickly said before hanging up, not even giving him chance to reply, "why'd he have to go and talk about Rein?"

"Who knows," Zen shrugged, "let's just get out there and quick. The sooner this is over, the sooner I can go home and have a bath without worrying about some psycho with a camera bursting in.

Oh yeah, that happened a few times during our trip. I'd come out the bathroom in joggers or shorts just after finishing showering just to come face to face with some interviewer who was in need for material for the show.

So irritating.

We walked to the wings and watched as Lost 'n' Found stood next to us, ready to go on.

"We're going to win this year," Cole stated, "just you watch."

"And now, give it up for Zodiac and Lost 'n' Found!" the announcer called.

"Unfortunately for you, I really doubt that," I replied before we all walked onto the stage.

Zodiac stood on the announcers right, while Lost 'n' Found stood on his left.

"Now," the announcer spoke, "I'll be revealing who wins this years GBC, Global Bands Competition... Drum roll please..."

The crowd gave a drum roll while the announcer slowly pulled the stupid card out of the envelope.

Any time soon would be good, I'd like to get home soon. I miss my bed. The sofa is not comfortable.

"And the winner is," he dropped the envelope and held the card in his hand before slowly unfolding it.

OK. There's suspense, and then there's this. This is not suspense. This is just stupid.

"Zodiac!" he exclaimed.

This is absolutely perfect, not stupid at all. I never thought it was stupid. Just take as much time as you ever need, Mr Announcer. I don't care because we fucking won!

"Yeah!" Nanan jumped on us all and forced us into a group hug, "we won again!"

"Hell yeah we did!" Zen grinned.

"I had no doubt about it," Chika nodded.

"We're just too good," I smiled before we stepped back and did a group high five that ended with Nanan getting smacked in the face by a rogue hand. Totally worth it though.

We got the trophy, the prize money and the tour agreement.

Then we did an encore and then left the venue.


We went straight home. Back to Tokyo where Kyoya stayed with us for a couple days and then we took him back to his house while I went home and got smothered in hugs from (random) people I'd probably never met before but because they knew my mum all of a sudden I knew them. That's apparently how human relationships work now.

"You were so cool, y/n!" Toru cheered, "you won again! Year number 4!"

"Yeah we did," I nodded and hugged her.

During our trip home, the band had taken a photo together with the prizes and printed it off. I somehow got dragged into going to Rein's grave to put it down so that's why I'm back home... To go to his grave and while I'm there, I'll say a proper goodbye and then carry on with my life because being stuck in the past isn't healthy no matter which way you look at it. It's just not. I know that now and that's why I'm going to totally let go.

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