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I sat down on the giant rock myself and the three guests had come up on to watch the sunset.

"It's so beautiful," one of them said.

"Yeah and y/n is glowing in this light," another one added on.

The three girls giggled to themselves as I just sighed and ignored them.

"Look up here, Haruhi!" one of the called, I look to my right to see Haruhi still collecting shell fish.

She's been doing that all day, there's going to be so much seafood. I think I'll just have a salad...

"What's up?" another one called, "the breeze up here feels great!"

She isn't wrong there.

"It's dangerous, be careful," Haruhi called back up.

"It's alright," I leaned into her line of sight, "I'm watching them."

We all looked out into the ocean in a peaceful silence before it was suddenly interrupted by a gruff voice.

"Hey there are chicks up there, man!" someone shouted, I turned to see a pair of guys, all rough looking, each holding a can of beer each, "aren't we lucky. You ladies want to hang out with a couple of locals?"

I think I'll call them thug #1 and thug #2.

"No thanks. Please leave us alone," one of the girls said, I looked forward again and sighed, standing up as I did.

"Aw come on, we just want to show you girls how to have a good time," thug #1 told her as he grabbed her wrist, I turned and watched for a moment.

"This is a private beach. You guys are not allowed to be here," another one of the girls with me told them as thug #2 slid his way around to where he was in perfect punching distance from me.

"Private? Does that mean we're alone?" thug #2 asked.

"Yes, and guess what?" I spoke up, the two men noticed me, "that means I can beat you to hell and back for sexual harassment and no one would ever know-!"

I threw a punch and it connected with the side of thug #2's face as a storm of shell fish rained down on thug #1. I looked past him to see Haruhi stood there with her little red bucket.

"Why don't you quit bothering them!" Haruhi shouted.

"Haruhi! It's fine, I can deal with these guys," I shouted to her, "take the girls and get off this rock."

"No way! These jerks weren't listening," Haruhi replied before focusing her attention on the thugs, "you better just leave those girls alone."

Dumbass... I mean-- I asked for the fight, but its unnecessary that you join in...

Thug #2 still had his grimy paws on the two other girls so I took the confusion to my advantage and quickly wrapped one around around his neck and used the other to put pressure on it, choking him.

"Let them go," I hissed.

He quickly let them go and did what any natural person would do, he grabbed my arms as tried to pry them free.

I just have to hold until he passes out. Then I can focus on the other dude.

"Get out of here, girls!" I urged, the three nodded and ran away, "you too, Haruhi!"

Suddenly, the guy in my hold let his head go forward before he reared back and head butted me right in the nose. I let him go and rubbed at my nose.

He's got one hell of a hard skull. No wonder they didn't leave, they're just thick.

Suddenly thug #1 rushed forward and grabbed hold of Haruhi by the shirt.

I quickly linger forward and punched him in the face, tearing Haruhi away from him and then turning to thug #2 who was charging at me.

We threw punches over and over, however, I wasn't getting hit at all because their moves were so predictable.

"Hey!" thug #1 shouted, I tore my attention away from thug #2 who I had pinned belly down on the floor, one arm uncomfortably pulled behind his back. He had Haruhi on the edge of the cliff, only holding onto her shirt.

If he let's go...

"Not so confident now, are you?" thug #1 asked, I stared at them, "let my friend go or I'll drop him."

"You let Haruhi go right now, you bastard," I shouted but just as I said that, he did the unspeakable and released his hold on Haruhi.

Rushing forward, I throw myself off the cliff after her, reaching out, I pull her into my chest and turn us so I hit the water first.

This is going to hurt.

As soon as we hit the water, something scratched at my back causing me to gasp in shock before I pulled us up and back to the surface of the water.

Letting out a gasp, I thank the world that oxygen is a thing and then carry Haruhi out of the water.

"Haru chan!" Honey senpai shouted as the host club met us at the shore line, "n/n chan!"

"Where'd those bastards go?" I asked bitterly as I let Haruhi down. She took a shirt from Kyoya while I just glared at the top of the cliff we were just on.

"Low life scum, throwing someone off a cliff," I growled, "do they want to become murderers. Tch-- how annoying."

"We took their ID cards and respectfully asked them to leave," Kyoya told me as Tamaki rushed to Haruhi's side.

"That's no good, maybe I should throw them off a cliff," I glared, "maybe then they'll understand the severity of what they just did. They messed with a lion and were stupid enough not to expect to be bitten back."

"Nice metaphor but no, I cannot condone violence," Kyoya replied.

Well that's no fun.

I looked away and sighed as my vision began to go in and out of focus.

That's weird.

Why's the world spinning? Did I hit my head? No I didn't... What the heck?

"I sent the girls all back to the hotel and I've called a doctor," Kyoya added on.

That's good, I might need one.

Whoa-- I feel like I'm on a roller-coaster?

"N/n chan? Are you OK? You look pale..." Honey senpai asked, looking at me with those big puppy eyes.

"Yeah. I think I'm OK, just a little dizzy," I replied, smiling the best I could before grabbing Tamaki's shoulder (due to him being the closest to me) for support, "really dizzy..."

Kyoya looked at me before walking over and placing his hand on my forehead and the other on his own.

"Not a fever," he commented, removing his hand, my forehead tingled slightly from his touch. That's a weird feeling.

"Did you hit something on the way down?" he asked.

"I think something got my back," I replied, turning around to show.

"To the hotel, immediately," he quickly snapped before pulling my f/c hoodie from no where and pressing it against my back, "You're losing too much blood."

Losing blood? Did I scratch myself? That explains the dizziness then I guess.

"Can someone carry me?" I asked, "I don't think I can walk. The world is spinning to much. And it's hazy."

I found myself swept off my feet and carried away.

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