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"I'm home!" a h/l h/c haired man announced as he walked through the door of the impressively expensive but beautiful apartment.

"Dad!" a voice shouted in response before an thirteen year old boy came flying at him.

"Hi, Ryo," the h/c haired man hugged his son, "did you behave?"

"Yes I did," Ryo nodded with a very serious look on his face which made the older man laugh. He got his hair ruffled in response.

"Good," he laughed as the two walked into the apartment properly.

A black haired man was sat on the sofa, surrounded by paperwork and looked exhausted.

"Kyoya?" the h/c haired man waved his hand in front of the black haired man.

"Y/n, good, you're here," Kyoya pulled y/n's arm and forced him onto the sofa and into a tight hug, "a month is too long."

Y/n chuckled and patted Kyoya's back a couple times.

"Alright. Alright," y/n replied, "I'm back, so stop... You're going to kill me."

Kyoya let him go and gave Ryo the opportunity to slot himself between the two men.

"Did your trip go well, dad?" Ryo asked, looking to y/n who just sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"It took longer because the guys running one of the American branches are incompetent fools," y/n sighed, "but its fine. I had them resit their training and things are running smoothly again... Thank god."

He dropped his hand down and looked down at Ryo.

"I'll be in Japan for a while," he told him, "so get ready to spend a lot of time with your awesome dad."

"Dads," Kyoya corrected, "as in plural."

"Right right," y/n nodded before reaching behind Kyoya and dragging the three of them into a hug, "Good to be home finally."

"Good to have you home," Ryo grinned as he played with the rings on both his fathers fingers.

A knock came from the door and y/n sighed, letting the two go and standing up.

When he opened the door, two boys stood there.

"You are home!" the younger of the two shouted, "told you so, Satoshi."

"Right," Satoshi nodded, "I can see that, Takano. Mind if we stay here, uncle y/n?"

"Not at all, something wrong?" y/n asked as the 21 year old and 14 year old both walked in.

"The twins aren't letting us sleep," Takano whined, "we're so tired."

Y/n snickered and nodded.

Nine months after y/n's 21st birthday, Kaede gave birth to twins, Rohma and Riaha. The girls are both 12 years old but they're extremely energetic and seem to never let anyone get a moments rest.

Y/n and Kyoya regretted the weekend that the two stayed with them and told Reijin and Kaede that they'll only have them over if they have to have them and there's only that option left. The twins were definitely more like Kaede than Reijin.

"Hello, uncle Kyoya," Takano greeted Kyoya as the three walked into the living room, "Ryo!"

"Takano! Satoshi!" Ryo jumped from the sofa and tacked the two half siblings of his to the floor while y/n side stepped them and sat with Kyoya again.

"Be careful," Kyoya scolded them, "last thing we need today is a trip to the hospital."

"How about a trip to nap land?" y/n asked, "I'm exhausted."

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