Special 1.1: The Requiem Of A Guitarist

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When I first met y/n, I found he was different to the other kids.

He'd not put in more effort than necessary in any task, his grades were iffy even for the school we attended.

He was the kind of kid who didn't care about status, money, or power. It was pretty evident in how he stood up against kids from more powerful families than his own.

I guess I was more interested by the fact that, although he had the abilities to, he didn't make friends. He just sat and read, or quietly drew in the corner.

My interest made me approach him and find a friend in him.

"Hi, I'm Rein, what's your name?" I introduced myself to the h/c haired boy I'd noticed was playing alone, I must've startled him because he suddenly fell back, "oh I'm sorry, did I scare you? I just noticed you were all alone and wanted to come play with you... That is if you're OK with it?"

He stared at me in silence before going to speak, however, he was cut off by another kid.

"Don't bother, Rein," one of the other kids walked over, "that's y/n. He doesn't like anyone and won't play with anyone. There's no point trying to play with him. Come on. Let's go play ball."

The kid dragged me away from y/n, the whole time I couldn't help but look back at him. He looked pretty disappointed when I was pulled away from him.

I'll try again next time. I'll try harder next time! Alright, I can do it!

It took a while for me to actually approach y/n again after that. After all, the other kids kept getting in my way. They'd claim that no matter what I did, y/n would just reject me and push me away.

But I couldn't help but feel like what they were saying wasn't true. So I found the best opportunity and slipped away from them.

I walked through the playground, finally I was alone. It took a lot of effort just to get to this point. Then I noticed a certain h/c haired boy, alone, under a cherry blossom tree.

"Whoa-- he looks kind of angelic," I muttered before pausing, "no. Maybe like a martial god from those old Japanese stories."

He looks kind of cool.

I laughed at myself before jogging forward.

"What you reading?!" I asked, y/n flinched and I frantically tried to calm the situation, "did I scare you again? I guess this would be the perfect time to say 'we should stop meeting like this', right?"

Did I use that phrase right? Hmm... Eh, it doesn't matter.

"I-I'm reading (favourite book)," y/n replied, looking away awkwardly.

Whoa-- he's actually kind of cute.

"Oh really?! That's a grown up book! You can read that?" I gushed, sitting down next to him and looking at the pages he was currently on, the words looked like weird scribbles to me, "I can't read that at all! You must be super smart, huh?"

I haven't learned how to read yet. Oh boy, I feel a bit stupid compared to him.

"U-um... Yeah," y/n nodded, we fell in silence while I stared at the pages the two pages, maybe I could figure it out for myself, "Uh-- Rein... Why're you here and not with the others?"

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