Special 1.3: The Requiem Of A Guitarist

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"Parcel here for a Mr.. Uh-- what's this? Capricorn? Is this right?" a delivery guy entered the practice room and read the label of the parcel in his hand with a baffled expression.

"Nope! That's right," Nanan jumped up excitedly, "that'd be my stage name."

"Oh. Well, here, just sign here," he passed me the box and then a piece of paper to sign, Nanan signed and then the man left.

"Who would've thought that the first one of us to get individual fan mail would be Nanan," Chika commented from the side, "What's inside?"

Nanan shrugged as he sat back down on the floor and placed the box down.

I was pretty interested as well.


"It's a bit heavy though," Nanan stated before ripping the box open, what was inside made him gag.

"What is it-- oh my--" I frowned as I looked in and then stumbled away, the sight of the dead rats body in the box caught me off guard.


Y/n marched over and grabbed the box with an irritated expression, he closed it and left the room.

"What was that?" Zen asked.

"Nothing nice," I placed a hand on my head before noticing a sheet of paper that'd fallen out of the box, "what's that?"

Chika was the one to grab it and his face told us everything.

"Why those little-- how dare they say such things about Nanan?!" he shouted, "these assholes need a kiss in the face with lemons and a damn chair!"

Chair and lemons?

"Calm down, Chika," Nanan tried to sooth his wrath as Zen took the paper from him and he and I both read it, "I'm glad you're getting angry for me but it's not necessary. Please calm down, Chi."

I can't believe someone actually sent something like this to someone. Despicable.

"You think calling me Chi will calm me down? Well.. You're wrong.." Chika pouted but his words and his actions were totally opposite.

Nanan smiled before looking to Zen and me.

"What... what was it?" he asked.

"You don't need to know, Nanan," I told him, giving him a small smile as I stood up, "I'm going to go find y/n before he makes a scene with Cloudia. Don't worry too much about this, ok, Nanan? I'm sure whatever this was will be solved soon."

When I went outside, I searched for y/n and found him mid arguing with an awkward looking Cloudia who didn't seem to know quite what to do with box he was holding.

"Y/n," I called, "give Cloudia a break. Its not like he knew."

"It's still unacceptable," y/n turned to me, "Nanan is our youngest member. We need to watch out for him and its not just us. Had this been my father's agency this sort of thing would never have happened because my father has mail sorted through no matter how popular you are."

Cloudia shifted on the spot awkwardly before putting the box down on a table off to the side.

"I see that this is partially my fault," Cloudia bowed apologetically to us, "please forgive me and my negligence. I'll make sure this doesn't happen again."

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