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I entered my classroom and slumped down on my desk.

"Morning, y/n," Nagisa smiled, "you ready for the physical exam?"

"I suppose so," I shrugged, "I just have a feeling today is going to get really dramatic, really fast."

"What do you mean?" she asked as we all stood up and followed our teacher to where we were having our exams.

"It's hard to explain," I replied as my eyes landed on all the girls who were already getting excited, whispering about the host club, "lets just say the host club is probably going to be at the centre of it all as usual."

"We will begin conducting the physical examination shortly. All students please see to the clinic in your respective school building."

"Anyway, I'm sure everything will be fine," Nagisa said as we entered the room to see a line of doctors and nurses... That's... not annoying at all.

"Mr l/n," a nurse approached me, "I'll be your nurse, follow me to get your height measured."

"Alright," I nodded and split away from Nagisa who was taken somewhere else. 

I kicked off my shoes and stepped onto the measuring platform. 

"190cm," the doctor read out.

I grabbed my shoes and put them back on before I was lead somewhere else.

"Please take your shirt off, we'll be doing your chest measurements now," the nurse told me, I nodded and walked behind the curtain and took my blazer, tie and shirt off before stepping out. A chorus of squeals followed as I raised my arms and watched the doctor wrap a measuring tape around my chest and wrote down the measurement. I pulled my clothes on again and then moved to the weighing scales. 

"You're in quite good shape, Mr l/n," the doctor commented as he scribbled down whatever it was that he needed to, "I'm impressed. You must work out frequently."

"I do," I nodded, "I'm glad my hard work is showing."

Not that I need anyone telling me that. I've never been sick in my entire life.

The rest of the examination flew past and I walked out to see the host club all waiting for me.

"So? Something dramatic happen?" I asked.

"It's...a long story," Haruhi sighed as we walked to the club room.

"I can imagine," I nodded as we past the office space, a person I recognised appeared in the corner of my eye. I paused and walked back a few steps causing me to get weird looks from Haruhi and the guys.

"Mum?" I called out, said woman looked up and grinned at me.

"Get your ass over here," she greeted, I smiled and walked over.

"What're you doing at my school?" I asked her as she caught me in a headlock and ruffled my hair, "not my hair! Come on!"

She chuckled and released me, I started to fix my hair up, still waiting for an answer.

"Oh right," she realised and pulled out a piece of paper.

I took it and read it.

'I heard a rumour that a specific group of people may start attending Ouran. It's not confirmed yet but I felt I should warn you.'

"You've been avoiding them, haven't you?" she sighed, "so... I'm sure you know who I'm talking about."

Nanan, Zen, Chika...

"N/n chan!" Honey senpai called from behind, I turned to see the host club all stood there.

"Hm? Friends?" mum asked.

"Er-- they're...in the..." I can't say host club, "cooking...club with me?"

"Cooking club?" mum repeated, looking at me with a doubtful look, "you? Cooking?"

"Hey. Don't say that with so much doubt," I frowned as I crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it in the bin, "anyway we have to go...cook..."

"Your father is going to love this," she teased as she walked away, "I can't wait to tell him. Hey, Akihiro, guess what? Your son is in a cooking club. How funny is that?"

"Right right, laugh it up," I rolled my eyes, "see you at home."

"See you," she stuck her tongue out and waved before jogging away.

"Cooking club?" Kyoya asked.

"I panicked, alright?" I exclaimed, "I can't tell them I'm in a host club... I don't know how they'll react... Probably laugh and then tease me until I die."

"Can you even cook?" Hikaru asked, giving me a judging look.

"I can bake," I replied, "I'm crap at cooking. Anyway, come on let's get back to the club room."

??? PoV


"Well it wasn't easy but I think I found him."


"Yeah. He's living with his parents and little sister again."

"We shouldn't disturb him for now."

"I agree. As much as i want to see him again..."

"Alright then. I'll keep an eye out."

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