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"Is everything alright?" Kaede asked as she passed me Ryo and I had him lying on my legs. He was sleeping and I was just finished with tests so I was about ready to sleep along with this h/c haired double of mine.

"Yeah but that sadist doctor told me I won't be released from the hospital until I was totally clear," I replied, "so he told me that for the next three to four weeks I'll be having some quality time with him. Please save me Kaede... I'm begging you."

She laughed and shook her head.

"I can't, I have to work, however, now that you're awake again..." she trailed off, her eyes landing on Ryo, "maybe you can look after Ryo during my work hours so when you're released you can settle with him easily when you finally get home. I'll even bring Takano over, Satoshi as well, he's been begging to see you for ages."

"Yes!" I exclaimed without hesitation, "I don't mind. It'll give me something to pre...occup...y myself...with?"

My eyes landed on a very pissed off looking assistant of mine with a stack of paperwork in his hands.

"The devil has arrived," he chucked darkly as he walked over and slammed the papers onto the little movable table I have, "you have work to catch up with."

"Lucky me," I replied rather weakly, this guy... Katsuro is so terrifying. If he drops his disguise will he have large black horns and wings, an evil smile and bright red eyes? He's as bad as Dr Dr. Save me--


For the next month, I was stuck in my hospital doing endless amounts of paperwork.

Ryo and Takano spent all of Kaede's working hours in the hospital with me and when she came to pick them up she'd bring Satoshi and stick around for a while while Satoshi talked my ear off about things that happened in school and about the books he'd recently read.

Kyoya stuck around every day as well. Whenever Ryo or Takano needed something, he'd sort it out despite my tell him I can handle it and in response I would get 'I'm the one trained in medicine, am I not? You're a patient, sit down' and then walk away with either of the children to tend to them.

I don't know why he decided to stick around but it was irritating me. Does he not care about my feelings or is he doing this just to play with me? Ah! That bastard!

Other than that, Katsuro would come just to play with Ryo and Takano and...make sure I was actually working while coming with 'gifts' of more paperwork that seemed to be double the amount of what I'd already completed in the day. He truly is a demon. Maybe he's hades in disguise...

Toru was frequently around, playing with Ryo, she was really happy to be an aunt and wouldn't stop gushing over how she's going to spoil him when he gets older, of course, I told her if she does that he'd become a snobby rich brat which (thankfully) calmed her away from the spoiling idea and instead turned to becoming that aunt that's really kind but slightly overbearing...

I created a monster out of my own sister. Sorry in advance, older Ryo.

My parents appeared for the first time since they apparently visited me when I was first admitted in the hospital. They hadn't met Ryo but dad didn't even attempt to hide his distaste towards the child, well, that was until Ryo turned his attention to the man, he crumbled and distaste was replaced with undying admiration and love. It... was kind of creepy, actually, I've never seen my dad like that, he didn't even act that weirdly when my sister was born and that was weird.

"Ah. Home sweet home," I grinned as I finally managed to reach my safe haven in this world where only I alone can access it.

Tomorrow I pick Ryo up to have him come live with me, it gives the boys time to say goodbye to their half brother until the weekend when I have a stupid business meeting in Canada that Katsuro definitely purposely accepted on my behalf.

"He's a demon in human clothing," I grumbled as I flopped down on my sofa, "oh well, at least I'm all healed up now. Time to catch up on everything I missed."

As soon as I unlocked my phone, I was hit with a wave of articles and posts about me in the crash.

"Oh wow," I commented, "that's a lot of articles... Do people really have no better time than to gossip about other people's short comings?"

I sighed as I went through them.

"This one's recent, only uploaded yesterday," I muttered, "people are really really sad creatures..."

Oh well.

I pushed myself up to my feet and wandered around my apartment.

"I'm bored," I grumbled, "I'm really bored..."

I looked around to see nothing that would entertain me at all.

"Did I leave my laptop and tablet in the office?" I asked no one as I looked around for them, "am I dumb? Probably... God damn it! This place is boring as hell! Someone kill me now!"

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