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Weeks passed after that.

No word came.

I worked day and night, Katsuro tried to get me to stop but I wouldn't listen. 

I was still pissed at myself.

"Sir, please," Katsuro walked in, a plate of food in his hand and a water in the other, "you need to rest."

"I can't," I replied, "there's so much to do in so little time. This project is starting in a week. The paperwork needs completing immediately."

"But, sir, if you keep working like this, you'll put yourself into the hospital again," he tried to reason. I looked at him and sighed.

"If that's all, do you mind leaving?" I asked him, "I still have a lot--"

My phone ringing got my attention. When I picked it up, the name across the screen caused my breath to hitch in my throat.



"I'm late. Can you bring me a pregnancy test?"

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

I hung up and stood up.

"I'm going out, Katsuro," I announced, "excuse me."

"Sir?" he watched as I walked out of my office.

"Are you leaving, sir? Would you like me to drive?" my driver hurriedly put down the coffee he was drinking and stood up.

"No it's fine," I refused, "this is a personal circumstance. Excuse me."

I got into the lift and headed down to the ground floor. I got blocked on my way out of the entrance, which irritated me, but I eventually got past it. Irritating women who just want me for the money. Damn insects.

I drove to a store and bought a pregnancy test before driving to Kaede's house. When I got there, my legs suddenly gained an accessory of Takano.

"Uncle!" he greeted me with a toothy grin.

"Hello, Takano," I knelt down and ruffled his hair, "I'm sorry I haven't been around recently."

"Y/n, is that you?" Kaede walked out of the living room, she looked stressed. I passed her the pregnancy test box and picked up Takano.

"No matter what happens, I will always help you, Kaede," I told her. I still can't meet her eyes. Even after now.

"I'll be right back, watch Takano please," she walked to the bathroom and I took Takano into the living room. 

He started playing with my hair, pulling on it as he did.

"Takano, stop that," I glanced up at him, "you're going to hurt me if you continue being so childish."

"Well you are just a child so I suppose I'll let it go for now," I mumbled though I couldn't stop myself from looking over in the direction of the bathroom. 

Kaede... No. Focus on Takano right now.

"I want up!" Takano waved his arms around, I sighed and picked him up and placed him on my shoulders. He started to pat the top of my hair and play with it. I don't understand why he's so fascinated by it, he has hair too. But I guess my hair is a tiny bit more wild compared to his, not as wild as Kaede's but wild nonetheless.

Five minutes later, Kaede came back into the room. I picked Takano off my shoulders and placed him on the sofa before walking over to her.

"What was the result?" I asked her, I could feel that intense wave of sadness and guilt ran over my composure and level headedness. 

"I'm pregnant," she told me.

"I'm sorry," my legs gave out and I dropped to my knees, "I'm so so sorry... this is all my fault."

"It's fine! I'll just get an abortion and--" she stopped herself when I looked up at her, tears streaming down my face unwantedly.

"An... abortion..." I repeated sadly, "I understand... it's your body. I'll pay for everything that's needed, I am responsible for this after all."

"You finally looked me in the eyes again," she smiled, "I've changed my mind."

"What?" I looked at her confused as she wiped the tears away. Why was I crying? Was it because she said she was going to abort the child?

"I've been trying to think of a way to thank you for everything you've done and are still doing for me and Takano... and now, I think I have the perfect way to thank you," she told me, "I'll have this baby and then you can take them and raise them as your own. I mean-- they are your child. But I'd like to see them too. This is the only way I can think of thanking you, it's half way to your dream, right? To have a family of your own, you just need to find that man you love so much again then you will be at your dream."

"You..." I stared at her in disbelief, "but... Are you doing this because you want to? I don't want you to force yourself through a pregnancy you don't want to have... Its your body, its up to you whether you keep the baby or not."

Her grip on my face tightened slightly.

"Y/n," she said sternly, not lady like at all, "I want to do this. I want to repay you. I want to help you. So let me. Please."

"If you're completely certain..." I trailed off and she nodded, "then I'll pay for all the expenses. I'll be at all the meetings. I'll be there when they're born...and I'll hurry and find your lover and first born faster."


"But would he allow such a thing?" I asked, "I mean-- you're not giving birth to his child."

"I have a feeling that he will allow it," she smiled.

I didn't read anything about him because I asked Katsuro to find him so I have no idea what his name is or anything like that...

"If you're positive," I nodded before hugging her, "then thank you so much! If you ever need anything! Anything! Just tell me, I'll get it. Kaede... Thank you..."

She hugged me back.

"Why're you crying again? You're really just a huge cry baby aren't you?" she chuckled.

"And you hug like someone just dragged you out of your grave so we're even," I huffed.

"Rude!" she mock gasped. I just smiled and melted into the hug.

When was the last time I had a proper hug? A year... Two years ago? Maybe three?

No... Probably way before that... Before the bands last tour? That was four and a half years ago...

I'll enjoy this just for today then I'll make sure that I find her ex fiancée and do anything I can to make her happy.

I think that if I were straight... I'd probably fall for her... But I'm not so in my eyes, she's still a boyish woman who reminds me of a rhino.

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