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Last night I was totally destroyed by mum.

I got home and she caught me before I could react and now... I have bandages all over me. Great...

"Y/n," Kyoya called from behind. I turned around and waved.

"You're two minutes early," I commented.

"You are as well," he pointed out.

"True," I nodded, "but I had to check something."

Right now we're at a place near Mt. Fuji. Thanks to us being rich travel expenses thankfully do not exist and getting a helicopter over here was so simple I just couldn't pass up on the opportunity.

"Why're we all the way out here?" Kyoya asked.

I picked up the basket I had brought with me.

"Picnic date," I replied with a smile.

"We're not climbing Mt. Fuji, are we?" he asked.

"Not very adventurous, are you," I laughed before shaking my head, "no. We're going to sit in a small village around here for the day. Fun fact, Mt. Fuji is actually owned by Fujisan Hongū Sengen Taisha, it's a shrine somewhere around here that was build years ago to appease whoever it was that the ancients thought controlled the flow of Mt. Fuji's lava."

"Fujisan Hongū Sengen Taisha? A historical period, the shrine was built during Emperor Keikō's leadership," Kyoya stated as he followed me along the gravel path, "if I remember correctly, that is."

"Yeah," I nodded, "people tend to think that Mt. Fuji belongs to everyone who lives here but they're quite incorrect and I'm not sure they actually know it. It's quite amusing how something like that can be forgotten sometimes."

"Isn't this the direction of Fujinomiya?" Kyoya asked, stopping to look around slightly.

"Yep," I nodded.

"Thought you said we were going to a village?" he frowned.

"Did I?" I asked, "not I don't believe I did. Oh well, at least it's still going to be fun."

We're going to Shiraito Falls. Dad says it's a nice place to visit but it can get busy so I'm very ashamed to admit that I may or may not have had it closed off for us for the morning? I hate using my families wealth but I just... did? Whoops...

We finally reached Fujinomiya and started walking through the rather busy streets until we were stopped.

"Excuse me," the person approached us.

"Can we help you?" Kyoya asked.

"Yes," he nodded, "I was wondering if you are Mr l/n's son? You look so much like him that I couldn't help but compare the two of you."

"I am," I nodded, "who are you?"

"Oh! Fantastic," the man nodded, "I am Ryoto Fukushima. A friend of your fathers. We were discussing about the futures of our children the last I spoke."

Futures of their children? What? Wait-- that doesn't mean that--!

No! That old man better not be planning to arrange a marriage for me...

"I see. Well, if you'll excuse me, we're quite pressed for time," I tried to politely tell him that he was bothering me without even telling him, "so we'll be leaving now?"

"Oh of course," Mr Fukushima nodded before I pulled Kyoya away and just walked straight to Shiraito Falls.

When we got there, I put the basket down and let out a sigh.

"Are you ok?" Kyoya asked.

"Yeah. I'll deal with my family matters later on," I nodded, "for now, I need to focus on the date I promised you."

We stood in silence for a bit before I got uncomfortable and opened the basket and pulled out the blanket before laying it out and sitting down, Kyoya sat next to me and we continued to sit in an awkward silence.

"Sounds like your father is planning an arranged marriage for you," Kyoya broke the silence.

"I won't let him," I replied, "rich girls tend to be a pain anyway."

I felt Kyoya staring at me.

"You're not a rich girl," I clarified.

"I know that. But I am rich," he stated.

"You're also someone I like so..." I turned to him and grinned, "no need to worry. You're stuck with me."

"But you do know that being with me means you'll lose the ability to do a lot of things, right?" Kyoya asked.

"What're you talking about?" I asked, flopping down and putting my hands behind my head as a cushion.

"I mean you can't get married, you can't have kids..." he trailed off, "and we won't be legally recognised as partners no matter what."

Oh yeah. Japan still isn't on the whole same sex marriage thing.

"I don't care," I hummed, closing my eyes and just relaxing the feeling of the sun on me and the sound of the waterfall a bit further away from us.

"But you seem like you'd be a really good father, y/n," Kyoya said, sighing, I opened my eyes and toppled over onto him, "what're you doing?"

"Listen to me," I said, "sure, I'd like to be a father one day, but I don't care if I can't. Truthfully, I'd probably suck at being a dad anyway. Anyway, being in a relationship isn't all about being married and statistics have shown that marriage tends to put a lot of stress on a relationship and more often than not, divorces happen. So I'm content with just dating forever. Who cares about being legally noticed away. I don't need the whole damn world to know what my private life is like, no matter how much I really just want to show you off."

"I can't tell if you're selfish or just an idiot," he sighed, avoiding my gaze.

"I'm selfish," I replied, "obviously. Now don't ever think like that... please?"

He looked at me again before placing a hand on my face and wiping my cheek.

"Why're you crying?" he asked.

"I'm not crying," I frowned, lifting a hand up to my cheek just to feel that I was, indeed, crying, "huh. Weird. I don't know why I'm crying either."

He let out a small laugh before pulling me down, I put my hand back onto the floor to support me.

"What on earth are you--?" I was cut off by Kyoya leaning up and trapping me in a kiss, I relaxed and allowed him to pull me down.

This is fine.

I don't need things like titles or legal recognition.

I just need this.

This is fine.

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