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??? PoV

"Ouran?" I asked, he nodded.

"Let's transfer over and give him a surprise. I'm sure he's a loner anyway, I mean-- it was only ever you, him and Rein," he told me in his usual bored almost monotonous tone, "he sucks at making friends, Rein brought us all together remember?"

I nodded.

"Then we'll all transfer there," I nodded, looking to my two friends, "I'll have to go discuss it with my parents, excuse me."

Your PoV

I yawned as I stood in the garden, waiting for mum.

She'd decided to do early morning sparring today. While I waited, I looked around and noticed the flowers were looking a bit... well, it looked like someone had neglected to water them. Sighing, I push my hair back and roll up my sleeves. I walked over to the hose and turned the water on before walking over to the flower beds and starting to water them. I can't be bothered going to school today so I guess I don't mind just tending to the plants.

"Honestly, y/n, I didn't know you wanted to be a florist," mum called, I turned around and stuck my tongue out.

"I don't. I just like looking after the plants," I replied, "they're really colourful and I find that comforting."

"Alright pretty princess," she laughed, "come and spar. You can deal with the plants later."

"Fine fine," I nodded, turning the hose off, I walked over to her.

"Now, you have to put effort into this because I'm allowing you to have the day off," she told me with a serious but still slightly mocking expression.

"I got it, just don't punch my back," I told her, "it's still healing from that accident in school."

"You've got a deal," she nodded before we both launched at each other, I quickly dodged her fist and threw mine up to her stomach, she pressed her hands down on my shoulder and used me as a spring board, jumping over me. She moved her hand from my shoulder and to the arm of it before dragging it back and kicking my feet from under me. Quickly, I threw my feet up and caught her in a triangle choke hold.

She flipped us so we were on the floor.

Just as she was about to break out my phone rung.

"One minute," I sighed, pulling my phone out and answering, "What? I'm kind of busy right now."

"The twins are arguing."

It was Tamaki.


"Come and help us talk some sense into them!"

"Haven't you considered I'm off because I'm sick or something?"

"You don't sound sick. So come to school and help, they're driving me crazy."

"I'm kind of busy, Tamaki dumbass."

"Please! We need help here!"

"No! I. Am. Busy. How hard is that for you to understand?!"

I quickly ended the call and threw my phone off to the side.

"Jeez-- if there's something wrong then figure it out yourself," I rolled my eyes before me and mum got back into our sparring.

Eventually, I ended up tapping out and she grinned successfully.

"Har har that's 498 to 0," she cheered, "You're yet to beat me, my child."

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