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"The new transfer students.."


I frowned and kicked open the door of the club room and threw myself on the sofa.

"I'm sick of hearing about the new kids," I sighed.

"One of them is in our class so be prepared," Kyoya informed me as he sat on the sofa opposite the one I was lounging around on.

"Do you know their names?" I asked curiously.

"Nope," he shook his head, "I thought I'd have a bit of fun for once and go in blindly."

"Well that doesn't sound like you," I frowned at him as I sat up straight, "you feeling ok, Kyoya?"

"I'm as healthy as ever," he stated simply, "no need to worry. Anyway, we should go."

"Alright then," I smiled as we both stood up and began walking to our class, "is Tamaki already there?"

"Yes, he wanted to meet our new classmate first," he replied, "he really is quite childish."

"Well what can you say? It's Tamaki we're talking about, you know better than me that he's quite unpredictable," I laughed as I opened the door to our classroom but my smile fell off my face when my gaze landed on my band mates. 

"There he is," Nagisa pointed at me and the three of them turned and looked at me.

"Lion!" Nanan shouted, running over to me. I stepped back and bumped into Kyoya who I totally forgot was stood behind me.

"D-don't call me that," I shook my head as he jumped at me. Next thing I know, he's on the floor doubled over in pain.

"Y/n!" Nagisa shouted.

"My body... moved on its own..." I muttered, staring that the cat ear headband wearing boy who was staring at me with his big emerald eyes.

"Y/n?" he forced himself to his feet, "you--"

"Nope," I shook my head, interrupting him, "I'll work from home today."

I spun around on my heels and ran away, the sound of someone shouting my name form behind echoed through the halls. To Kaigen Ramen it is.

Nanan's PoV

"He ran away," I stared at the door in disbelief before turning to Zen and Chika, "hey! He just ran away from us!"

"I can see that," Zen nodded.

"He's a coward," Chika muttered, "still running away from the past."

"So you're the other three members of Zodiac," some glasses wearing dude walked in, "you just chased one of my club members away and knowing him, he won't come back to class again now. Or school in general. You should take responsibility for this."

"And who the hell do you think you are, huh?" I asked, shoving my hands in my pockets and glaring at him.

"Kyoya Ootori and you'll be wise to remember that," the glasses guy replied with a chilling glare.

"Bastard! I don't like you!" I shouted before Zen dragged me back.

"Calm down, you dumbass," he sighed before grabbing Chika and pushing us both to the door, "both of you to your class. Quickly now."

"Who are you? Our dad?" I stuck my tongue out at him before Chika grabbed my ear and started dragging me.

"Come on, stop making a scene," he grumbled.


Your PoV

I entered Kaigen Ramen to see old man Tenchi and Tetsuki sat at a table, they both looked to see who their guest was and then they smiled.

"No school today, Tetsuki?" I asked, he hsook his head.

"I'm on recovery," he grinned, "now you're here, teach me maths!"

"Tetsuki," Tenchi shot him a look.

"Please. Please teach me maths," the younger boy corrected.

"Sure thing," I nodded, taking a seat beside him while Tenchi went somewhere to do something.

He pulled his books forward and I began to help him with the problems.

I ran away. I couldn't help it. Who's the number one coward of the century, that's right, f/n l/n. But... how do I face a past like that, I mean-- I'm scared to face it again. It's like lying to myself and saying that Rein's death is ok to me, that I wasn't the worst best friend to ever live, that it was ok that I didn't see through his smile. But it wasn't ok. It's never going to be ok. Or... am I just being--

"Y/n senpai?" Tetsuki waved his hand in front of my face, "are you ok?"

"Hm? Oh, yes, I'm fine. Sorry about zoning out," I apologised to him, "Are you stuck?"

"Yeah, what was the formula again?" he asked.

"minus B, plus or minus , square root of B squared minus four times AC, over two A," I told him, "remember to do both the plus and the minus equation or you wont get your answer."

"Right," he nodded and started writing again.

Am I just being... selfish thinking this way?


Kyoya's PoV

"Where's n/n chan?" Honey senpai asked when he realised y/n wasn't here.

"He's not at school," I replied as I looked at the reports the police force were sending in, currently no one has spotted y/n. So he's not at the beach again, but where could he have gone?

"Does it have anything to do with those transfers?" the twins asked in unison.

"They looked awfully familiar," Hikaru stated.

"From the band video you posted on the website a while ago," Kaoru added.

"They're y/n's bandmates, right?" they both asked in unison.

"Yes they are," I nodded, "they confronted him and he ran away. I'm currently trying to locate him but it's proving to be quite difficult this time."

"Why not call his house?" Haruhi suggested, "they may have an idea where he might've run off to."

"Good idea," I nodded, pulling my phone out and calling the l/n house.

"Hello, you've reached the l/n residence. Who is it I'm speaking to?"

"Hello, I'm Kyoya Ootori, a...classmate of y/n."

"Mr Ootori? Our young master isn't here at the moment. You'll have to call back later or I can give him a message for you."

"No, I was wondering if you'd know where he may have gone to relieve...stress?"

"To relieve stress? Unfortunately, the only thing he does to relieve stress is fight so I can't really pin point a location for you. I'm sorry I cannot be of more help."

"No problem. Sorry for interrupting your work."

I hung up and let out a sigh.

"He's too much effort to keep up with," I grumbled, shutting my laptop and getting up, "I'm leaving early. I need to find that idiot or we'll never get out project finished."

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