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"Sir, I've brought... You haven't done even a single piece of work," Katsuro frowned in my direction where I was just lying down on the sofa with Ryo happily sleeping on my stomach.

"Uh-- I can explain," I quickly said.

"Well? I'm waiting," he tapped his foot impatiently off the floor.

"Well-- uh--" I tried to piece together my words but they weren't exactly coming together.

Goddamn it, brain, work!

"I see," Katsuro walked over and picked Ryo up, "I'll take the young master around the office. You can work."

At this point Ryo had woken up and was watching everything silently. He giggled when he saw me from Katsuro's height over my slightly shorter one.

"I'm glad you find entertainment out of my pain, Ryo," I sighed as I pushed myself over to my desk and took a seat, "just go. I'll get my work done."

"Good. Oh and, sir, you have a guest," Katsuro said as he left the room, "I'll send him up."


Who's 'him'?

Squeals came from the other side of my door.

"Oh don't tell me," I groaned, "only one irritatingly beautiful glasses wearing cold prince who carries around a black book of impending doom can get that kind of reaction in this office of mine."

The door opened and I narrowed my eyes at the person I just described.

"Kyoya," I greeted him unhappily, "what is it I can help you with? Please be quick because as you can see, I have work to do."

I gestured to the unorganised piles of paper.

"I'm sure that can wait considering you're only just getting to it, y/n," Kyoya replied as he walked into the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Know it all," I grumbled.

"You say something?" he asked.

"Not at all..." I rolled my eyes, "what do you want? Spit it out already."

"I came to see the guy who seriously can't look after himself," he replied, leaning across my desk and getting right up into my face uncomfortably, "also we need to discuss what happened in the hospital."

"There's nothing to discuss. My health is fine," I said bored, "visit complete. Out."

He shot me a glare.

"What are you? Stupid?" he asked, "I thought you were smarter than that."

"Oh quiet," I leaned back, "just leave me be. I have months worth of work to do, literally."

Sleeping for months, though it sounds like heaven, has actually become hell. Paperwork hell.

I pulled a sheet from one of the stacks, scanned it and then signed, before moving to the next, then the next. Kyoya didn't move, he just stayed put while I just did my work in silence. At some point, a glint of light caught my attention from his wrist and my gaze landed on one hell of a beaten up watch. The wrist bands were near to broken away, the hands weren't even moving anymore and I'm fairly sure the numbers weren't even visible anymore.

Why would he wear such a crappy watch?

"You bought it," Kyoya suddenly stated as if he could read my mind, "remember? That night you left it behind."

"I vaguely remember such a thing," I hummed, not really caring, or at least trying to hide the fact that I did care. I mean-- he's still wearing that crappy piece of junk even though it's a total mess... it's actually kind of bothering me.

"But that doesn't explain why you're wearing it," I replied, "it's falling apart, there's no point."

I didn't look at him while I spoke, I just did my work. Wow, it's surprising how easy I can just do my work when the area around me is occupied by someone I don't really want to see. Impressive.

"It's a gift from someone I loved," he replied, "someone I thought I'd never see again."

"Yet you saw him again," I muttered, "you can toss the watch now."

"No. I quite like it," he stated, this made me look at him.

"You have got to be kidding," I frowned, "it's unsightly."

"And you're one to talk about being sightly?" Kyoya asked, reaching out and smoothing out my hair.

"Hey--" I slapped his hand away lightly, "hands off the hair. It's one of my only good qualities."

"There are many more good qualities about you," he sighed.

I sighed and leaned back again, crossing my arms and watching him.

"So what is it?" I asked, "You want me to forgive and forget and go back to how we used to be?"

"I wish," Kyoya smiled, now noticing that he'd gotten my attention properly, "but I know that that wont happen. But I want to be with you, y/n... my feelings never went away."

"Well doesn't that sound pitiful," I shrugged, "this isn't like you, Kyoya. You sure you're not the one with bad health here?"

"Positive," he replied as I stood up and stretched, walking over to the door leading out onto the balcony. I looked over my shoulder to see Kyoya was still stood in place.

"Come on then," I rolled my eyes, "just don't bring anything you can drop out, it can kill or seriously hurt a person."

"Why have a balcony this high up?" Kyoya asked, skeptically.

"My father is a strange man, ok?" I rolled my eyes, "I just got what was here."

"Fair enough," he nodded, following me out onto the balcony. The wind spun around slightly before calming and I took a seat on one of the chairs and Kyoya cautiously sat next to me.

"Why're we out here?" he asked.

I pointed to the door to my office through the wall of windows behind her.

"Eavesdroppers," I replied as I noticed the door close by the smallest inch, "my office floor is filled with them."

"I suppose that's normal everywhere then," Kyoya mumbled, "I have the same problem in our families hospitals."

"People who have too much time on their hands always tend to have too much time to gossip," I sighed, "one of the reasons I want to get all of that finished."

I pointed to the stacks of work.

"Because the faster I get it done, then the faster they'll have to work to keep up with me. They've had many months to have slack time, now it's time I get them up to speed again," I told him with a small laugh, "not that Katsuro will have it any other way."

"I think he may be a demon summoned by my father to keep me in line," I playfully whispered, "after all, there's no way some normal human can do what he does."

Kyoya just smiled a small smile and we spent the rest of the afternoon talking. Eventually we got around to smoothing out the distance that'd been created and Kyoya said he'd give me time to think about it. On my birthday, he will ask for my answer to dating him again.

Should I use a magic8 ball to make the decision? I can't exactly make my mind up, I'm very indecisive. I want to... but I have a feeling, a really bad feeling, that it may end up hurting me again. Or even worse, it may hurt Ryo and I don't want to hurt my son.

Damn you Kyoya. Why'd you have to come back?

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