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Familiar chords and rhythms filled my ears as I continued walking away. I could hear the desperation, Zen's sound was strained, Nanan's beat was slightly off tempo, sloppy, and Chika's chords were harsh, like he was slamming his hands on the keyboard, it was unusual of him considering he always had treated any instrument with the utmost care like it was a fragile child or animal.

Those poor instruments.

If they keep playing like that then those instruments are going to be damaged for sure. 

I just kept walking until Kyoya stopped in front of me.

"What're you doing?" he asked.

"Going home," I replied, "isn't it obvious?"

"No," he shook his head, "you're running away again."

I looked at him in surprise before looking to the side in shame.

"You know..." he trailed off, "last night, even though your words brought a strong sense of sadness, I could tell that you were happy singing. So you should sing."

"You do realise that if I go up on that stage again I'll never have the luxury of coming back to Ouran, right?" I asked him, he watched me for a few seconds before sighing and nodding.

"I'm quite aware of that," he confirmed.

Wow. I'm feeling quite disappointed now.

"But of course, I'd want you to return and visit me frequently," he added on, I raised a brow at his words, "I enjoy your presence."

Hey! Bad heart! Why're you skipping beats, huh? It's definitely not that terrible music!

"I won't stop you," he told me, "but if you leave... you'll be running away again, not only that but you'll be trampling on your bands dream. But I think, if you walk away, there'd be no turning back ever."

He placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"There's a space waiting for you on that stage. So when you're ready, it's there," he told me, pushing something in my hand before he walked past me. I looked down to see it was a wireless mic, one of the ones you hook around your ear and then the actual mic is infuriatingly close to your mouth. So irritating.

Sighing, I pocket the mic and continue walking away.

If I go on that stage, I'll never be able to return. I'll be dragged back into the music world... for the better or the worst.

"Guess we failed, huh?" Zen's saddened voice echoed around the area.

I reached the edge of the open area and paused, sighing.

"Such a pain," I grumbled before pulling my phone out.

"Young master?"

"Hello, Kisame. I have a request."

"What is it?"

"Please bring me one of my guitars to school immediately. As fast as you can, if you get a speeding fine, I'll pay for it."

"Of course, but why?"

"It's... hard to explain," I sighed.

"I'll be there in under five minutes," Kisame told me before I hung up the call and walked out of the area and to the entrance. I could still hear the music from out here, it was starting to become a mess now, they're not even trying anymore. It's pitiful to hear and really painful considering the amount of time it takes for us to write those songs at top quality.

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