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"Where to now?" Kyoya asked, we'd just finished eating and I'd left the stupid basket with the guys piloting my helicopter. They'd decided to stay in Fujimomiya and wait for when I was ready to go home rather than go back then have to come back. It was a waste of fuel not to mention an addition to the already big problem of pollution.

"We're in Fujinomiya," I said, "I've only been here once so lets go and have some fun."

"I must admit, I've not been here before myself," he replied, "so I guess we'll just walk around and look around?"

"Sounds like a plan," I nodded before we began walking around the area.

We stopped at various places and ended up buying a few things before I noticed the time.

"Oh wow," I commented, "it's 6pm? Where the hell did all that time go?"

The feeling of something dangerous approaching us took me by surprise and I turned around just to see a hoard of fans sprinting this way.


"Uh-- Kyoya," I called.

"What is it?" he asked, "if it's six then we should-- whoa-- what're you doing?"

I grabbed his hand and started running, pulling him along with me.

"Don't ask! Just run!" I shouted back to him.

"It is him!"

"It's Leo from Zodiac!"

"I want to get a photo!"

"An autograph!"



Crap. At least they're shouting my stage name rather than my real one or any of my father's business partners around will notice me and drag me into some awkward conversation about business.

"Ah-- so annoying," I groaned before noticing a tourist shop coming up and quickly pulled Kyoya in.

I looked around and grabbed a really ugly looking f/c hat, a dark blue one and some sunglasses before throwing them on the counter. The person scanned it and I just threw a random amount of money at them before walking away shouting 'keep the change' behind me. I pulled my hat on and the sunglasses and then pushed the dark blue hat on Kyoya's head before looking out the entrance and sneaking out with him close in tow.

When we were out of sight I let out a sigh and leaned against the railing of the bridge we'd ended up on.

"That was stressful," I sighed, "sorry about that."

"Don't worry," Kyoya shook his head and pulled his hat off, "you really are popular, aren't you?"

"Apparently," I nodded, slightly irritated, "I don't know why, I have shown my foul personality on numerous occasions."

"Foul personality?" he repeated with a raised brown.

"I get really rude when I'm annoyed," I replied sheepishly, "that's why if I'm dragged to a business meal or party and I don't know anyone, we don't stick around for too long or my dad finds himself sending a lot of apologies out. I'm fairly sure I got that from my mum. She hates my dads partners so much that she even flipped one of them before. That was the best dinner party I'd ever been to."

"Sounds very eventful," Kyoya nodded, I smiled and grabbed his hat before pushing it back on his head.

"We should start heading home before it gets too dark," I pecked him on his cheek before letting go of his hat and turning around, walking to where the pilots were probably still waiting, "you can ride with me back to my house and I'll have a car drop you off back home, sound good to you?"

When I didn't get an answer, I looked over my shoulder to see if there was something wrong. He looked conflicted, like he was fighting with himself.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"W-well..." he trailed off before shaking his head, "no nothing."

"No there's something wrong," I frowned, "I can see it on your face. What the matter?"

He avoided looking at me so I turned around and walked up to him, grabbing his face gently and forcing him to look at me.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you... would let me stay at your place," he looked anywhere but me.

"Really? That's all?" I let out an amused laugh before letting go and turning around, "sure. We have plenty guestrooms."

I started walking away before he grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

"No. I mean--" he stopped himself, I noticed his ears were red with embarrassment and just smiled before slipping my hand into his and pulling him along with me.

"Alright," I nodded, "but come on, it's no time to be embarrassed in the middle of the street."

"You're right," he agreed as we walked out of Fujinomiya and to where the helicopter was waiting.

Within half an hour, we were back at the private landing space and in a car to my house.

"Am I taking the young master Ootori back to his home as well, young master y/n?" my driver asked.

"No, he's coming back to my house," I replied, "so just drive straight there please."

"Yes, sir," he nodded before focusing on the road.

We arrived after around ten minutes and entered the house.

"You're back!" Toru came running over, "oh. Kyoya is here?"

"He's staying over," I replied, "you got your hair cut."

"I did," Toru nodded before showing off her new hairstyle, "like it?"

"I do," I nodded, "it suits you. But what's with the sudden change? It's not a boy is it?"

She flushed bright red and shook her head.

"No! Of course not!" she shouted.

"Not very convincing," I hummed, "Momochi?"

Her face got redder.

"Watch out, the Iku family are total weirdos," I warned her playfully before turning to Kyoya, "I'm going to go upstairs and try and find some spare sheets and bring them into my room. Make yourself at home."

"I'll come with you and help," Kyoya quickly said, he gave me a look that told me he wasn't going to be talked out of it so I just nodded and lead him up the stairs and to my room. 

Once in, I go into my walk in wardrobe to see if I had any spare sheets lying around.

"None," I sighed, "he's going to need some clothes too. I'm only a little bit taller than him so he should fit in my clothes."

"What're you muttering about?" Kyoya asked, walking into my wardrobe and looking at me with a pretty judge filled look.

"I was thinking about how you'll have to borrow some of my clothes," I replied, "and my old uniform. You still have school tomorrow."

"That's right," he nodded with a frown.

"What's with that expression, huh?" I asked, flicking his forehead.

"I don't know," he shrugged, "anyway, did you find sheets?"

"Nope. I'll just go get some from another room," I replied, turning to leave before I was stopped by him, but he didn't really react to his own movements, "or... you can just sleep with me in my bed?"

"Alright. If you're ok with it," he nodded.

That bastard. He wanted that from the beginning. Well as long as he doesn't disturb my sleep, I'm fine with it.

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