Special: In Another Time 1/6

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"Rein!" I shouted, panic clear on my face, "Rein where are you?!"


A thud echoed from the bathroom.

Spinning around, I ran to the door and attempted to open it just to struggle and find it locked.

"Rein!" I shouted, punching the door, "unlock the door, Rein!"

Come on.

Come on, Rein. Please.

I rested my forehead against the door.

Didn't you promise to talk to me?

Please... Rein...

"Please..." I mumbled before pulling my phone out.

I had a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach so I called an ambulance. They said that it would be a few minutes before it'd arrive.

I have to get to Rein and make him hold on just a bit longer while they come. Give them time. I have to.

Stepping back, I threw myself at the door over and over until the door finally fell off its hinges and crashed to the floor to reveal a sight that I didn't ever want to see.

"Rein!" I shouted, rushing over to my best friend who was lying on the floor, small pools of blood around him.

I quickly grabbed the towels off the racks and pressed them against the gashes on the blonde haired boys wrists.

"Y-y/n..." came Rein's weakened voice, I stared down at him with wide eyes.

"Hold on, Rein, I've called an ambulance, please just hold on," I begged, pulling him up against me the best I could, one hand keeping the towels pressed down tightly, the other wrapped around Rein's shoulders to keep him up, "why the hell did you do this to yourself, huh? You said you were fine. You should've told me."

I could feel my emotions bubbling up uncontrollably as I watched him just stare up at me in silence.

A tear slipped from the corner of Rein's eyes.

Hey! Don't you go crying. You'll make me cry too, idiot.

I shifted my leg as I noticed the blood on the floor soaking into my jeans. I didn't care that they were getting dirty, I cared that it was Rein's blood.

The shear amount just made me wonder how such small cuts could cause just so much blood... He must've cut the ulnar artery, that could be the only explanation. My mum told me about the many times she's cut that artery to get someone to shut up.

It could be the only explanation.

"H-hey... Are...you s-still there?" Rein asked, his voice weak.

"I am," I nodded, leaning forward and resting our foreheads together, "I won't leave. I promise."

"Thank-k...y-you...y/n," Rein smiled as much as he could as his eyes grew duller and duller by the second, his skin growing slightly cold to the touch and his breathing slowing down dangerously.

I flinched at the feeling of his chilling body.

"No! You hold on. You're... You're not allowed to thank me yet!" I shouted at the boy in my arm, the tears finally bubbling up, "where the hell is that ambulance?!"

"Y-y/...n..." the blonde boy choked out, his voice hoarse and barely above a whisper, "s...ing...f..or me..."

Really? At this time? Really?!

"Rein," I whispered back, not even being able to argue or raise my voice, "please... just hold on a little longer! You have to!"

"P...lea..se si..ng," Rein gazed up at me.

I watched him for a moment before letting out a small sigh and beginning to sing softly, trying to keep my heart and mind steady as I held the towels tighter to my best friends wrists.

Come on.

Where the hell are they?!

I began to rock us slightly as I sung.

The first song that came to my mind was from an anime I'd recently watched. There were probably more appropriate songs to sing, but I just blanked.



Where is the ambulance?

"Hello?" a shout came from the front door.

"In here!" I shouted back, paramedics came sprinting through, "please, hurry! Help him! I'm begging you!"

"We will, we need you to let him go," one of the men knelt down next to me, "but first, tell us the situation."

"He's cut his wrists," I replied, "there was too much blood, I think he might have caught an artery."

The paramedic looked behind and turned to one of the others. They nodded to each other and quickly moved around.

An oxygen mask was placed over Rein's mouth and I was quickly pushed dout of the way and my space was taken.

A stretcher was pulled in and Rein was quickly pulled on the bed and rolled out.

"Can I come with you?" I asked, "he has no family here in Tokyo."

"Alright," the paramedic who'd spoken to me earlier nodded, "don't worry. We'll save him. Alright?"

I nodded and we rushed out the building.

The owner was behind the desk on the ground floor and watched with a small panicked expression as we all climbed into the ambulance and drove off to the hospital.

We all sat in silence.

Or, at least, I did. The paramedics were talking amongst themselves, checking over Rein. Working as hard as they could to keep the blonde alive.

I leaned hunched over, resting my arms on my thighs and resting my head in my hands.

I couldn't stop my foot from tapping continuously as I just sat.

Come on.

We're taking too long.


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