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A week later_

"You boys can go home," Cloudia announced to us, "you did very well with your collaboration so I'm giving you a week with your families then we're going to start putting on the small concerts to pull your popularity up for the global bands competition."

"Great," Nanan cheered, "I get to see my adorable Momochi."

"Guess I'll be forced to train again," Zen sighed.

"I'll just stay here. My parents are out of the country at the moment," Chika looked away and let out a small yawn, "I want to lounge in your place, y/n."

"Feel free," I nodded, "just don't wreck the place, that's the last thing I need."

"What are you going to do?" Zen asked.

"Go home, see Toru, make a surprise visit to the host club," I replied, "nap."

"Of course you want to nap," he shook his head.

"Really? Picking a fight again?" I sighed, "I've not been able to have my naps because of the busy schedule... Going home means I can nap. It's like heaven."

Plus I can see Kyoya.

That's something I've been dying to do for a while.


"I'm home!" I announced as I walked into the l/n mansion and put my bags down.

The sound of someone running towards where I was filled my ears before I was suddenly tackled to the ground by none other than Toru.

"Y/n! You're home!" she shouted.

"Yes, I just said that," I laughed, hugging her back, "how're you?"

"I'm good," she grinned, pushing away and sat in front of me on her knees, "I watched the Roulette performance. You did really good with that collaboration."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah. I loved it," she nodded, "those guys looked cool too. I have all their songs downloaded."

Of course you do. You never change.

"You're so cute, Toru," I laughed, ruffling her hair before standing up, pulling her up with me, "anyway, I'm going to go to Ouran. I'll be back in a bit."

"OK!" she nodded and I walked out of the house and began jogging to Ouran.

When I arrived, I glanced down at my phone to see that after school activities should be coming to an end in around five minutes.

"I've got to be fast if I want to see them," I muttered before running through the building, up to the second floor and stopped outside music room 3.

I took in a small breath before opening the door.

"Welcome~" a chorus of voices caught me as stupid rose petals swarmed around me.

"Thank you," I smiled.

Everyone stared at me before I suddenly had Honey senpai on my back.

"N/n chan! You're back!" he cheered.

"Yes I am," I nodded, "I've got a week of free time."

"Yay~" he cheered.

"It's good to see you, senpai," Haruhi nodded as I walked into the room properly and took a seat, Honey senpai hopped down into the seat beside me.

"Will you be attending school?" Tamaki asked.

"You don't know?" I asked, "I'm technically not a student here anymore."

"What?" he asked.

"Myself, Zen, Chika and Nanan are not Ouran students. We are back to our studio education," I replied with a shrug, taking a sip from the tea that had been given to me, "oh Oolong tea, good choice."

"Then how're you here?" he asked.

"I just walked in," I replied with a shrug, "so easy. Plus I have a deal to fulfil with Kyoya so..."

"A deal? With Kyoya senpai?" the twins asked.

"Sounds like you--" Hikaru started.

"Lost a bet," Kaoru finished.

"Nah," I shook my head, "we just made a deal, as simple as that."

I smiled and then yawned.

"Not sleeping properly, senpai?" Haruhi asked.

"Oh? No. More like I've been travelling all day," I replied, "I'm exhausted."

"Then rest, we won't bother you," Kyoya told me, I glanced over to him and smiled a bit more.

As cool as ever.

"I mean-- you always have naps anyway, you sure you're not a toddler?" Kyoya poked his knife right in my back.

That bastard.

"Fuck you," I frowned but still happily flopped down on the sofa, "wake me up when activities end."

Five minutes later_

Kyoya's PoV

"Should we wake him?" Hikaru asked.

"Club activities are over..." Kaoru nodded.

"Let's throw water over his head," they both grinned.

"No need," I said, sitting on the sofa opposite to the one y/n was sleeping on, "I have work to do so I'll just stay until he wakes up."

"Alright, then we'll be off," Tamaki announced before they all left the room, leaving only me and y/n.

At first, I was fine working, but then I got distracted by y/n.

He's quite peaceful when he's sleeping.

"What do I do?" I whispered, standing up and moving to sit on the table in front of y/n, "I like you a lot. But being like this will only hurt you."

Reaching out, I go to mess with his hair but I pull my hand away.

Well. I tried to.

Y/n reached out and grabbed my wrist.

"Then I'll just have to endure," he smiled before pulling on my arm, pulling me forward and dragging me down into a kiss, "because I also like you a lot."

I stared at him in surprise for a couple moments before smiling and kissing him again.

"When is our date?" I asked.

"Whenever you like," y/n replied, "I have all the time in the world... For a week."

"Tomorrow then," I nodded, "I have no classes because I've got a project to finish. So I'm free tomorrow."

"Then it's a date."

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