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I woke up from my nap and it was the afternoon so I went back downstairs just to see the host club running around doing random things in the B&B.

"What on earth is going on?" I asked as I sat down at a table with the other band members.

"They're competing for the last room available," Zen replied, "they've been at this since I came downstairs."

"It's exhausting watching them," Chika grumbled, "they're weirdos. Why not just draw straws and be done with it?"

"Not reliable," Zen said, "one of them could cheat the system."

"That stupid," I rolled my eyes, "what's the point? It's just a bedroom. I'm sure one, if not all, of them have a villa or something around here."

"Probably but that cross dresser from their club is staying here and they all seem to be totally obsessed with her," Nanan said as he finished off a dango stick and put it down.

"Haruhi," I corrected, "that's her name."

"Alright," he nodded, "anyway Misuzuchi seems to have a ticket to our concert. So he'll be there."

"Oh I gave Kyoya tickets for the whole club," I nodded, "but knowing Misuzuchi, he probably bought one as soon as he found out we were performing."

Misuzu is very supportive of us. A man I quite enjoy the presence of... for about ten minutes and then I'm drained of all energy and I have to escape.

"Do you think we can find a practice studio in town?" I asked.

"Why? Itching to practice?" Zen asked, "we should just relax until the three days of waiting has passed."

"But I'm going to be so bored," I complained.

"Just nap," Chika said, "that should take up your time."

"Napping will just get boring sooner or later," I grumbled, "I wonder if there's a library or something around here."

"And sitting in a library isn't the most boring thing in the world?" Nanan asked.

"You just don't appreciate good literature," I shook my head in slight despair.

"You're such a nerd," he shook his head, I reached forward and pushed his head down.

"Boy! You are just a dumb child," I grumbled, ruffling his hair, "now suffer your punishment of having your hair ruffled!"

"Ah-- stop it!" Nanan shouted as he hit my hand.

"Stop it, both of you," Zen lightly chopped us both on our head.

"Whatever," I shrugged and sat back down again, "anyway, I'll be in town during our free time if we're not going to be practicing."

"I think I'll stay around here," Zen said, "Misuzuchi always needs the extra hands so I'll help out."

"I'll be in my room," Chika stated.

"That's so boring, you guys, why can't you have some fun with me?" Nanan whined.

"You can come with me," I told him, "I'll teach you some French."

He looked conflicted before shooting me a thumbs up.

"Alright, that sounds fun," he nodded.

Nanan, despite the way he looks and acts, actually is very knowledgeable of different languages and loves learning new ones. Something about wanting to travel the world and to do that he has to know the languages so myself and Zen have learned quite a few just to keep him entertained for a while.


The three days passed pretty quick.

On the first day, Haruhi's middle school friend who had a crush on her appeared and made Hikaru a pissed off child. Then the second day, Hikaru and Haruhi went out on a "date" that was supposed to make them make up. Actually, it was supposed to be Haruhi and Kaoru but Kaoru faked being sick. Oh yeah, the twins won that dumb competition the host club were having to see who would have the last room available.

On the third day, I let Nanan go off on his own and ended up spending the day with Kyoya.

"Y/n! Why aren't you ready yet?!" Cloudia shouted at me, I sat up and yawned, "you go on stage in five minutes, dumbass!"

"I was tired," I shrugged, "so I took a nap."

"Your listnessness knows no bounds," he shook his head in dismay, "just get dressed, will you?"

Now we're backstage, getting ready to perform.

We decided last minute to include a new song because we wanted to keep our fans engaged in the music.

Turns out the tickets I gave Kyoya were backstage ones so the host club are back here as well.

"Y/n!" Zen marched over to me with the club following behind, "Why're you still in that?! Get. Dressed. Or I'll get you dressed."

"Hey hey-- no need to be so pushy," I jumped up and pulled my shirt off before changing into the black tank top and then grabbing the f/c sleeveless overcoat and pulled it on, "there. Done."

He glared at me before grabbing my wrist.

"Come on, we're about to go on," he dragged me away, I shot the club a wave and smile.

"Enjoy the show~" I called before being dragged out of sight and thrown to where Chika and Nanan were waiting.

"Took your time, y/n," Chika commented as people rushed around me, pulling my hair back and putting on random makeup. I grabbed my guitar and grinned.

"It adds a bit of excitement," I replied as a mic was taped onto my face, "no need to worry too much. Just go with the flow. After all, music is just wiggly air."

"Your logic defies all reason," Zen shook his head, "anyway-- let's go."

"Right," we all nodded before walking out onto the stage. As soon as we did, the crowd roared in cheers.

"Good afternoon, everyone!" I called through the mic, "how're you all doing? Hope you've enjoyed our guest musicians so far! Well without anymore delay! Allow us to introduce our new song: Feel Invincible!"

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