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"We arrived in Tokyo, but as soon as we got here we were thrown into the studio and Cloudia talked my ear off, first it was him scolding me for up and leaving, then it was catching me up on everything I missed in life."

"Sounds exhausting."

"You don't even know the half of it. Anyway, how's the host club?"

Currently I'm in my apartment in Tokyo, I got in about an hour ago, me and Zen ate and then I showered, since then, I've been on my balcony talking to Kyoya.

"Same as always. We had a strange day, but that's not unusual. You must be exhausted, I'll let you go to sleep. I assume you have a long day ahead of you."

"Right. Call you in the morning?"

"No. Best in the evening."

"Ok. Night."


I hung up and sighed.

"I don't know if this relationship will work," I mumbled, "long distance tends to be difficult, it'll be even harder with me going back into the stupid music industry... wont stop me from trying though. Oh that's right."

I stood up and grabbed my hoodie before walking out my room.

"Where're you going?" Zen asked.

"Out," I replied, "I'll be back late. Don't stay up for me."

He clicked his tongue in frustration and I just left the apartment before shoving my hands in my hoodie pockets.

"It's getting chilly now," I shivered slightly before I walked to Rein's old apartment building. When I arrived, the owner was down in the entryway.

When he noticed me, his eyes widened and his jaw grew slack.

"Master l/n," he quickly walked over to greet me, "it's good to see you again."

"I came to get something I left here a while ago," I told him, he nodded and walked to the desk, exchanged a few words with the man behind it and then came back to me while the man behind the desk disappeared through a door behind him.

"Mr Loi will bring you your stuff," he told me.

"Thank you," I nodded and took a seat in one of the chairs. My gaze unconsciously travelled to the wall they have dedicated to famous people who've either visited this place or lived there, my eyes travelled up and down it until I stopped on a photo of Zodiac.

Getting up, I go closer to it and smile at the sight of us.

"Hey, guys!" Rein shouted us, we all turned to look at him, "let's get a photo together and join this wall!"

"What wall?" Zen asked as we walked over to where he was stood.

"The wall of fame, huh?" I asked.

"Let's do it! Hell yeah!" Nanan cheered, "We'll be forever together like this!"

"Who says I want to be with you forever?" Chika asked in his usual bored monotone voice. Nanan let out a dramatic gasp in return.

"Rein! Did you hear that? Chika is being mean again!" Nanan shouted pointing at Chika.

"Stop messing around," Zen lightly chopped both of them on the head, "come on, let's get this photo taken."

"Allow us to take it for you," the owner of the building walked over with a camera, "huddle in together."

When I didn't move, Rein wrapped his arm around my neck and dragged me in, we both leaned forward slightly and he threw up a peace sign, grinning happily.

Next to him, Zen was stood smiling, leaning on Chika and Nanan who were glaring up at him.

The sound of the camera clicking filled the room and then we all split up again.

"Hell yeah! We're going to be remembered forever," Nanan cheered.

"Would you like to take that with you?" the owner walked over to me with the guy I'm guessing is Mr Loi.

"I couldn't," I shook my head.

"I insist," he pulled the frame off the wall and placed it in the box that Mr Loi was carrying, "we have a spare copy of the photo so I can put up a replacement again. Don't worry about it."

I nodded and took the box from Mr Loi with a thankful smile.

"It's really a shame," the owner said, "I miss you guys. You were always a pain in my ass but you were good kids. You brought life to this place and it was a nice change."

"Yeah. Sorry," I looked away.

"I heard you disbanded," Mr Loi spoke up, "if you're back does that mean you're getting back together again?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "but first we need to make the announcement about Rein because we didn't disclose it to the public. I'm sorry that you guys had to carry this secret with us for so long but I assure you that I'll be clearing it up soon."

"That's good," the owner nodded, "Rein will be able to rest properly once people know about it."



"Anyway, you must be busy," he placed a hand on my shoulder, "look up and be proud. Rock that stage and continue living out the way Rein would've wanted you to. Good luck."

"Thank you," I smiled before leaving the apartment and walking back home.

Will Rein be able to rest? Is he already resting?

Honestly, I don't even know.

I stopped at a park on my way back and sat down on a bench overlooking the lake. I opened the box up and pulled out one of the things inside. My lyrics book, this one was filled with songs we didn't end up using because I didn't actually tell anyone about them, they were lyrics with no music to go behind them and they'd probably stay like that for as long as I feel like it.

I don't want to sing, but I do want to sing. I want to sing with Rein again, but I can't.

"Hey, y/n, can you do me a favour?" Rein asked, moving from the edge of the lake and walking over to me.

"As long as I can do it, sure," I nodded, leaning back into the bench for a bit.

"If something happens to me, promise me that you'll continue singing no matter what," he told me, not looking at me, instead looking at the lake.

"Uh... Sure, but nothings going to happen to you so you don't need to worry," I replied, he spun around on his heels walked over and grabbed me by my shoulders.

"Promise me."

"Alright alright, I promise!" I exclaimed, "so damn pushy..."

I totally forgot that happened...

"Seems I broke my promise," I laughed awkwardly, "sorry."

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