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"I'll be home late tonight," I told my dad as I finished my breakfast, "my club is throwing a ball kind of party so I'll be staying at school until that's finished."

"I see," he smiled, "I'm glad you're finally opening up a bit."

Like hell I am.

Kyoya is forcing me to go.

"Yeah, well, see you later," I replied, grabbing my bag and walking out the house, getting in the car and watching as the scenery changed.


"Good morning, y/n senpai," Haruhi greeted me as I entered the club room, "you don't usually come here during the mornings..."

"The...party is tonight," I stated, "I feel like I should help out even if its just making coffee for you guys while you work."

"That'll be great," she smiled before walking away.



"Haruhi..." I trailed off as I watched her try dance with a guest, the two paused and looked at me, "You're not holding your posture right."

"If you're so good, then why don't you show her," Hikaru tried to taunt me, I smiled and walked over to him, pinning him between the wall and myself.

"I'd love to," I told him, showing that his attempt to taunt me failed miserably before walking over to Haruhi and the guest, "straighten up your back a bit more, your feet are too close together, try widen out your stance a bit.."

I demonstrated and she nodded and copied what I'd done.

"Then just relax and let the music lead you," I told her.

"That's a bit...vague..." she commented, I just shrugged.

"You'll understand when you start dancing," I told her.

"Why don't you play something n/n chan?" Honey senpai asked, hopping over to me with an acoustic guitar in hand. I put my hands up and shook my head.

"S-sorry, no can do," I replied.

Where did he even get that from? I didn't actually think this music room had any musical instruments.

"I need a break," Haruhi sighed as she sat down, "dancing is tiring."

"Well then, would l/n kun dance with me for a bit?" the guest asked, "I am Kanako Kasugazaki by the way."

"Nice to meet you," I nodded before offering my hand to her, she took it and I lead her to the open space where she and Haruhi were dancing in earlier. I placed my right hand on her waist, she placed her left on my shoulder while our other hands held each others.

I started to count the step beats in my head as we danced easily around the area.

"Y/n senpai is actually pretty good at dancing, huh?" Kaoru commented, "didn't expect that."

"Neither did I," Hikaru grumbled, "he's starting to become a perfect host, excluding the fact he seems to be uncomfortable being doted on by beautiful ladies."

"You're quite good at dancing. Did you learn from your family?" Kanako asked. I shuck my head.

"I learned with my best friend, granted he was a guy so we learned to lead and follow. Actually, we taught ourselves how to dance one part and then taught the other," I replied, remembering when Rein appeared one morning.


"Rein? Why're you here so early?"

"I just had a thought," Rein grinned, "we should learn to dance?"

"To dance?" I repeated, "where are we going to get a dance instructor?"

"No! We should teach ourselves, then it'll be a lot more interesting," he told me.

"That sounds like too much work..."

"L/n? Are you ok?" Kanako asked, pulling me out of my coincidentally timed flashback.

"Oh yes, I'm perfectly fine," I replied, "just remembering some great times."

"I was saying that your friend must've been quite close to you to have gotten you to do such a thing," she smiled, "you don't seem like the type of person to just do that casually."

"You're right," I nodded, "we were very good friends."

"You said 'were', did something happen?" she asked.

Getting to close to my past now...

"Sorry, but I think I have some work I still need to finish, I'm sure Haruhi will be able to keep you dancing," I smiled at her and bowed before turning and walking away, Haruhi took my place, shooting me an awkward look as I passed her. 

I should've kept my mouth shut...

... if I did, then I wouldn't be feeling so sad now.

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