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The moonlight reflected off the waters surface and illuminated the area that was already illuminated by strings of Fairylights weaving in and out of the trees and random posts around the area.

I followed the gravelly path up to a marble gazebo where a man with black hair slicked back with gel, dressed in a very expensive looking tailored suit stood with his hands in his pockets, looking out across the lake.

"Kyoya," I called out, stopping at the bottom of the stairs leading to where he was stood. He turned, he wasn't wearing his glasses. Wow.

Did my heart just skip a beat. Fuck-- stupid heart, this asshole broke you and you'll happily return? I'm crazy.

He's totally hot though.

"Y/n," he smiled.

Mayday mayday, we are going down, I repeat, we are going down. Any possible outcome of rejecting this bastard went from 0 to negative 100.

Abort mission?
Yes - No

I want to run away but my feet are rooted to the spot, my heart is basically jumping out of my stupid chest. Hello? You're weak remember? Calm the fuck down, y/n. Dumbass.

"Hey," I nodded to him, my body forced itself to move and walk up the two steps and stand opposite him.

Good. Keep distance.

Any closer and I may just give in.

"It's a beautiful place your father picked," Kyoya commented, turning away from me, "he chose the perfect time too."

"Uh-- yeah. I agree," I nodded, walking over and standing next to him, I placed my hands on the rails and looked over into the lake.

Ugh. This is ideal date scenery.

We just stood in silence after that which was a bit weird but I wasn't going to complain. It was peaceful.

"So... what's your answer?" he asked after a few moments of silence.

Damn you, Kyoya. Why'd you have to break the peacefulness?

"I--" I stopped myself, collecting my thoughts.

Pros, I'd have someone to help me with Ryo, I've liked Kyoya since high school, we used to be close-ish, I guess I'd be more inclined to look after myself as well... Cons, it could hurt Ryo, it could be negatively taken by the public. There are too many con variables to even list. But there's about an equal amount of pros. Balanced pros and cons just makes everything harder.

The feeling of Kyoya grabbing my hand pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked at him confused.

"You don't need to think so hard," he told me raising my hands and placing them on his heart, it was racing, "you just need to do what feels right to you. What will make you happy."

"What will make me happy, huh?" I hummed, his heart is distracting me.

I closed my eyes and thought, bouncing everything back and forth.

"Y/n?" Kyoya called, I just grabbed his tie, pulled him forward, leant down to his height and kissed him. He didn't kiss back, surprised but eventually he did. This was what I wanted, this made me happy. Him. Me. Everything.

When we separated, gasping for breath, I rested my forehead against his.

"Is that answer good enough for you?" I asked.

"Perfect," he replied, dragging me down and kissing me again.

"They came out here," I heard and we quickly separated.

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