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A week later_

"Sir, I've-- oh. The young master, Takano is here I see," Katsuro walked into my office, Takano was currently climbing all over me while I was trying to do work.

I looked up and gave him a smiled screaming 'get this kid off me before I blow a fuse'. I love this kid like my own nephew, but damn is he annoying.

"Hello, young master, how're you?" Katsuro picked him up and placed the file he was holding on my desk, "are you having fun?"

"Yes!" Takano cheered.

"Well that's just splendid," Katsuro smiled at him before focusing on me again, "Sir, I located the man you wanted to find. His details are in that folder. Would you like me to take the young master out for a small stroll around the office? I'm sure the staff would love to see him."

"As long as they don't get distracted and I want him back within half an hour," I replied, he nodded and walked out, cheerfully talking with the toddler while I picked up the file.

When I opened it, I saw a face and name I didn't expect to.

"Holy crap! If only I'd looked at the name first! I would've already been able to find this idiot!" I shouted, letting out a frustrated yell.

'Reijin Kazuto'

"He's going to kill me for having sex with the woman he loves..." I groaned, "I guess I can always just die now."

Hold on a minute.

I was under the influence of alcohol, and she was looking for her lover who just so happens to be my old best friend and ex crushes elder brother...

"I'm going to die," I groaned, "I am so sorry... If any god, I don't care, if any god is up there. Please make this a little easier!"

I got a call and quickly answered without reading the name.



"Yep. It's me! How's it going? I'm calling for my monthly check up. So how're you holding up? Had any health problems recently?"

Should I tell her? She'll find out eventually, might as well.

"Yeah. But Dr Dr helped me out quick enough."

"You haven't been looking after yourself, have you?"

"It's...not that... Its more like I had a crazy night?"

"What? Finally give up on Kyoya?"

I didn't answer.

"I'm taking that silence as a no. So whatever happened wasn't with a new partner. Anyway, I also had another reason for calling."

"What's that?"

"Your 21st birthday is coming up and dad is throwing you a big party!"

"My birthday is in 17 months. What're you talking about?"

"Soon? 17 months? It's the same. Anyway, dad is throwing you a party this year and he's expecting you to come. He asked me for if you had any extra people you'd like to invite that he doesn't know of. Guest list and whatnot."

"Fine, if you insist. I'd like my assistant there and--



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