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And thus time passed.

Living with months old baby was really difficult. Sleep was not a privilege. At all.

I had a cot in my office and it started to look more and more like a daycare spot rather than an office as the days passed due to the addition of Takano during the mornings while Reijin did whatever it is that a leader of one of the Zodiac branches does.

"Sir, the car for your birthday party is here... sir?! Where are you?!" I heard Katsuro shout. I stood up and gave him a displeased look from behind a mountain of paper.

"From now on, everything, and I mean everything, will be digitalised!" I shouted at him, "There is too much paper in these damn four walls!"

"Yes, sir," he nodded as I stepped around the mess, grabbed my blazer and then picked Ryo up.

"Well then, lets go," I nodded as I walked over to him and we both left the office.

"It's quite surprising that it's already dd/mm," Katsuro commented as we got into the lift, "it feels like you only just started working here yesterday."

"What're you talking about? I've worked here for two years," I frowned, "stop trying to be sentimental, it's not working, demon."

"Oh thank god, I hate small talk with you, sir," he confessed way too honestly.

"Well that stings a little," I muttered, "but there's no need for small talk. It's uncomfortable with anyone."

"Yes, sir," he nodded and we travelled to the stupidly large building that my dad had rented out for the party.

Ryo, of course, seemed extremely confused but when he saw Kaede when we entered, he was a bit happier.

"Y/n, Ryo," Reijin greeted us as we walked over to the family, "did you manage to get Ryo in that by yourself?"

He was gesturing to the small baby shirt, dress trousers and tie he was wearing.

"Yep," I nodded, "surprisingly he seems to like either the outfit or the material of the outfit. Either way, it was actually really easy to get him dressed."

"Lucky you," he glared, "it took me and Kaede an hour to get Takano in this."

Takano was now clinging to my trousers, he was wearing a striped shirt with some dress trousers and brown suspenders which he was trying to pull off his shoulders.

I smiled and crouched down, straightening up the clothes.

"If you keep those on, I'll treat you to ice cream tomorrow afternoon," I told him. He grinned and gave me a little 'ok' before going to his dad.

"Wow. Bribing with sweets, how shameless of you," Reijin joked, I just shrugged.

"Call me shameless but it works," I laughed before noticing my parents and Toru out the corner of my eye, "if you'll excuse me. I should probably go over to them before they think I'm skipping."

As much as I'd like to... I can't.

"Of course," Kaede nodded, "happy birthday."

"Thank you," I nodded before walking away, Ryo was pulling on the shoulder of my shirt as I walked and I ended up having to loosen my tie and undo my top button before he strangled me.

Babies are murderers in disguise, convince me otherwise.

"Ryo!" Toru grinned and swept him out of my hold.

"Hello, y/n, its good to see you. Oh and happy birthday. Love you, big bro," I said to myself sarcastically.

"Yeah all that," Toru nodded to me before focusing on Toru again.

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