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I yawned as I entered the club room and flopped onto a sofa before feeling someone poke my back.

"Is he dead?" I heard Hikaru ask.

"I don't know..." Kaoru replied as someone poked me again.

"Stop poking me or die," I grumbled into the pillow.

"He's alive," Kaoru quickly said as I sat up just to see a kimono in my face.

"What..?" I frowned, looking at the person holding it, Kyoya.

I sighed as I remembered the party and dropped my head back down.

"I'm tired, let me sleep," I mumbled through the pillow.

"Mori senpai," I heard Kyoya say before someone picked me up. I frowned and looked to the side to see Mori senpai carrying me to the changing room. I was placed down and the clothes shoved in my arms.

"You guys don't know how much a good nap is needed," I sighed before going in and changing into the kimono. I was wearing a white and f/c chequered one with no sleeves.

Walking out, I noticed that everyone else had changed, Mori senpai was in a blue kimono, Honey senpai in a white one, Haruhi a brown and white one while the twins, Tamaki and Kyoya were all in waiter styled outfits. Why couldn't I wear one of those? Those look a lot more comfortable that this...

"Come on, let's go," Honey senpai grabbed my wrist and pulled me along, the others all following behind.

"Go where exactly?" I asked as we left the building and went into the flower garden that had tables and chairs set up, "of course, it's cherry blossom season, why wouldn't we be out in the chilly spring breeze?"

"Oh don't be so dramatic," Tamaki slumped himself over my back before pulling my hand up, seemingly noticing something, "did you get into a fight or something? That's one nasty bruise."

"Ah yeah, I was up early this morning training," I replied, "we got a new punching bag so I was trying to break it in. It's harder than it looks. My mum would usually do it but she was dead asleep when I went to get her, and I'd rather not get kicked in the face at 7am so I just left her."

Mum's got a weird habit of kicking people in the face if you try wake her, she doesn't mean to... she does it unconsciously.

"Anyway, the guests will be arriving shortly, get in your places," Kyoya announced as Tamaki got off me and stood next to him. I just stood between Haruhi and the twins.

The girls finally arrived.

"Welcome, ladies," we all said in unison.

I took a seat at my area with a red mat and watched as people sat down with me, I smiled at them. Honey senpai, Mori senpai and Haruhi were on a mat not too far away.

"Good morning," I greeted them, "I hope you're doing well."

The girls squealed at me. What? I only said hello...

"We saw that video a while ago," one of the girls smiled, "you have a very lovely singing voice."

I tensed up at that. Why did I think that no one would bring that up?

"T-thank you," I fought to keep my smile on my face.

"Can you sing something for us?" another girl asked.

"Sorry... I can't," I replied, "I... hurt my voice? Yeah. I hurt it a while ago and it's still healing, singing puts too much strain on my vocal chords and makes... it worse..."

What a crappy excuse.

"Oh no!" they all exclaimed.

"Get better soon!" the first girl looked at me sadly.

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