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"Honey senpai!" I called as I continued walking, "where on earth did that guy go?"

He's small! How can he just disappear?

Eventually, I managed to get to an area where there were bodies of what looked to be a police force scattered around the area.

"What did I miss here?" I muttered, looking around bewildered.

"N/n chan~ you found us~" Honey senpai latched onto my side.

"You left me behind," I rolled my eyes before the police men all jumped to bowing on the floor, foreheads on the ground. See, I know they're not bowing to me, but I still feel uncomfortable.

"We humbly apologise! I am a second generation student of the Ishisuka dojo."

"I'm a student of the Todoroki dojo!"

"And I'm from the Otake dojo!"

(probably butchered those spellings terribly)

"We are in your debt!"

"Why? Is something wrong?" Honey senpai asked as we all looked to the officers who looked half dead. Poor guys...

"Yes, sir. We're so sorry, sir. We were unaware that we were looking for Mitsukuni Haninozuka. We've committed a terrible offense here! I apologise for this confrontation. But my dojo will be so excited to hear that I've come face to face with a great Haninozuka. I cherish this moment. "

I can't tell if this is an apology or a praise...

Honey senpai jumped off me and skipped over to Mori senpai and pulled his arm down.

"Takashi you did an amazing job of protecting Haru chan," Honey senpai started patting Mori senpai's head, "I bet you were pretty lonely without me around, huh?"

"I don't know if I'd say that," Mori senpai replied. Oh wow, Honey senpai just got shot down.

"Well, fellas," I put my hands on their shoulders and forced a smile on my face, "I'm going to kill you if you don't get me out this stupid tropical forest. So let's go shall we?"

"Let's go!" Honey senpai cheered and we all began walking out the forest.

"Looks like you had quite the adventure, hm?" Kyoya asked as he fell in step beside me, "how did you like the resort?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "it's whatever."

I noticed him staring at me again.

"You're doing it again," I hummed, "You're staring."

"I'm observing," he corrected.

"Wow, déjà vu right here," I chuckled, "but anyway, this resort is interesting. Though it is quite dangerous, don't you think?"

"Hm... Maybe," he shrugged. Yeah, that look on your face tells me you don't really believe what you just said there.

"You know... maybe we should go to the beach next," Hikaru suggested as we finally exited the forestry and reached the open pool area.

"Yeah, the beach would be nice," Kaoru agreed.

"You idiots, Haruhi's not interested in anything like that," Tamaki butted in.

Why's it got to only be about Haruhi, huh? I like the beach... well, I like napping on the beach. It's peaceful and it feels like you're sleeping on a cloud, as long as you don't sleep on a bunch of stones that is.

"Actually... I might like to go to the beach," Haruhi spoke up, I smiled and slung my arm around her neck.

"Me too," I grinned, "I'd get to nap for as long as I'd like and no glasses wearing bastard can get in my way."

I looked at Kyoya who just pushed his glasses up his nose, he's planning something, I can see it already.

"I may not be into this silly water park but I like the ocean. It would be nice to go to the beach. It's so pretty," Haruhi slipped out of my grasp as Kyoya and I had a stare off. He's planning on disturbing my perfect napping plans, I just know it!

"Yeah, alright," Tamaki caved into the request, "then that's where we'll all go next time."

"We're all going to go to the beach, Tama chan?" Honey senpai asked, "that'll be fun, don't you think?"

"Yeah," Mori senpai agreed. Well if the man of very few words has agreed then we have to do it now. But because Kyoya will be planning the trip... I can't help but worry... he's going to do something, I just know it.

"Can I go home now?" I asked, "seriously, I had some flowers to water."

"You can join me," Kyoya said before he turned and began walking to where a pile of towels were sat. He grabbed one and threw it at me. I quickly dried myself down and went back to the changing rooms and changed into my f/c tank top and black jeans plus combat boots that I was wearing before.

When I walked out, Kyoya was waiting in his uniform. We left the resort and got into one of the numerous cars and began driving back to my house.

"By the way," Kyoya pushed his glasses up, "we're working together on a physics project."

"What? When was this decided?" I asked.

"The last time you skipped classes," he stated simply, "so I want you to come to my house at some point. Preferably tomorrow so we can get the project finished quickly."

"I guess that means after school?" I asked.

"Yes," he nodded, "right after club activities."

"I don't see why that's any problem," I nodded, "I'll be there."

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