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"Good morning, y/n!" Tamaki greeted me at the classroom door cheerfully before stopping and blinking at me a few times in silence, "What's with the bruises? Get into a fight?"

Yes. But not really.

"No," I shoved past him, instantly regretting the contact and crouching down, clasping my shoulder.

"Really? Then what's with the bruises and clear pain?" he asked.

"I'm not in pain!" I shouted at him.

We stared at each other for a few moments before he crouched down and poked me.

"Do you want to die?!" I shouted, before sighing and standing up, "I was used as a punching bag, that's all. No big deal."

"But that sounds like--"

"Alright, Class, settle down," the teacher interrupted him as the bell rung out.

Saved by the bell. Literally.


"You look really beaten up today, y/n chan," one of the girls in front of me commented, "did someone beat you up?"

"As if," I rolled my eyes, "no one's that strong."

If mum ever finds out I said that she'll put me through hells training for sure!

"Did your parents do this to you?" Kaoru asked.

I got the twins figured out now. Hikaru has a slightly deeper voice than Kaoru and seems slightly more serious compared to the other.

"What? Of course n--" I couldn't finish my sentence. Lying. I can't lie. I'm an honest man at heart, plus if mum found out I 'covered' I'd be in for hells training. Seems thats what I get for being related to her.

"Abuse maybe?" Hikaru piped up.

"No!" I shouted, standing up, "this isn't abuse. You have no idea what happens in my house and you don't know who my parents are so don't try guessing what happened."

"you don't want people guessing, then open up a bit more," Haruhi smiled, "what happened?"

"I sparred with my mum, that's all," I replied. Why does this girl have the ability to get me to spill everything? Just like Rein could. How irritating. She's just like him.

"You fight, n/n chan?" Honey senpai asked.

I'm not even going to say anything on the name anymore, I've given up.

"Yeah. But nothing sophisticated like martial arts," I shrugged, "I just do--"

"Street fighting," Kyoya finished my sentence, I turned to him and glared.

"And why the fuck are you researching me?" I asked.

"Oh you realised?" he asked in that stupid smug nonchalant tone.

"Don't punch him. Don't punch him. Don't punch him," I shook my head and chanted to myself quietly, "so annoying. So annoying. So annoying."

"Street fighting can be sophisticated in a way," Honey senpai grinned.

"And how's that?" I asked, looking at him doubtfully, "it's just a mess to look at and it's got no rules or honour."

"How do I put it..?" he hummed, "any kind of fighting can be sophisticated if you use it correctly? Like, not just fighting for no reason, fight to protect or something like that."

"Well I guess my style isn't sophisticated," I replied before turning to the door, "I'm leaving first. Man, my head hurts like hell."

I'm tired too. I knew I should've stayed home today.


The host club are planning for that party, I am just going to hang out in the classroom for the rest of the day.

"Have you seen what's on the host clubs website?"

"Yeah. It was awesome."

"It's the new kid isn't it?"

"Yeah it is. Who knew he had skills like that?"

What're they talking about?

The host club has a website?

Pulling my phone out, I go onto the schools website and scroll through it until I came across the host club, I clicked on it to see a website.

Wow, it's just as irritating as the actual club. So pink... Did a unicorn throw up on this or what?

I scrolled through it for a while until I came across a video, there wasn't a cover photo, just a black screen. It made me curious, so I clicked it just to see Zodiac.

"Shit--" I hissed as the music began ringing through my phone, "where... How... Why... What..?"

I quickly paused the video and ran out of my classroom and through the school, jumping up the stairs two at a time and then sprinting again as I reached the floor with music room three on. Reaching the door, I kicked it open and rushed over to the first member I saw, who just so happened to be Kyoya, and grabbed his shirt, forcing him to back up until he was stopped by a table behind him.

"Hello, y/n," he greeted me coolly. Oh that just pisses me off even more.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked, raising my phone up to his face and playing the video. I turned the volume down so I didn't have to hear the music.

"Why it's a video," he stated.

"Yeah. No shit," I rolled my eyes, "where did you get this?"

"The Internet," he replied with a small shrug.

"How?!" I shouted, "I could've swore we took down everything!"

"You didn't take down fan cams," he replied.

F-fan cams?

No freaking... No way!

I let him go and stepped back, putting my phone away again and closing my eyes as I thought.

Fan cams... We didn't think about that. 

"Please take it down," I stared at him, "this is the only place where no one recognises me. So please..."

"Is it that? Or is it because it's linked to your past and you don't really want anyone else knowing about it?" he asked, taking a step forward, I looked at him, we were inches apart. His breath stinks of coffee, disgusting.

"Who knows," I shrugged, not backing down, "let's just say I really dislike people revealing the past I am not prepared to face myself."

"Unfortunately, I'm not here to--" Kyoya started before someone barged into my back, sending me falling forward, our lips connecting.

We both stared at each other wide eyed before I threw myself away.

"Who the fuck--?!" I turned to see Kaoru snickering to himself, "I'm going to kill you."

"I'm sorry!" he shouted, quickly hiding behind Mori senpai.

"Nothing good has come from being here," I muttered, pushing past everyone, "I'm out of here."

I left the school and walked in a random direction.

"Why does being around them make so angry?" I asked as I somehow came across a beach and sat down, "they just piss me off. Every one of them. Though I think Kyoya just enjoys annoying me, he seems to do it too frequently."

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