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??? PoV

"So this is Ouran?" I looked at the pink building.

"It's pink!" the blonde beside me grinned.

"Yes, Nanan, now calm down," I sighed.

"Let's just go in," the monotonous voice of Chika came from the other side of me.

"Yep yep!" Nanan cheered, spinning childishly on his heel, his drumsticks in his hands as he played the air drums.

So childish...

We walked up the stairs and entered the building, it was filled with people and of course, sticking out like sore thumbs, we were instantly the centre of attention as we walked towards the head masters office.

"Good morning," we greeted the head master.

"Hello, you must be the new students, Zen Reishi, Nanan Iko, and Chika Kotaro," he greeted us, "allow me to welcome you to Ouran Academy."

Your PoV

I yawned as I raised the hose up to the flowers.

"I'm skipping school today. I'm too tired to work," I muttered.

"Young master, your friends are here," one of the maids announced before I suddenly felt my arms being captured from behind.

"Uh? Good morning?" I greeted Mori senpai.

"Morning," he nodded blankly as I turned the hose off and dropped it.

"Do as you will," I sighed, resigned to the fate that is me being taken away anyway. He nodded and the next thing I know, I'm in a limo with all the other members of the club. Haruhi looked just as uncomfortable as I was.

"Morning," I nodded to her.

"Morning," she nodded back.

I felt a shiver rush down my spine and it made me shake my head.

"Something wrong?" Kyoya asked.

"I just got the chills," I replied, "like something that's going to affect me is happening... I don't like that feeling."

Oh well. That's a future me problem.

I just stared out the window. We're not going in the direction of school.

Well I wasn't planning on going to school today so wherever we're going, I guess I'll just go along with it. 

We ended up in a topical resort and I was thrown into a changing room with a bunch of swimming shorts in. 

"Guess I have to change," I sighed before looking through my choices. Eventually, I changed into f/c shorts that reached just above my knees. I walked out and stretched, I was about to take a seat when a parrot perched on my shoulder.

"Hello," I looked at the bright green and blue bird, it just cawed at me and I took at seat on the edge of the current pool and dipped my feet in. The bird didn't leave my shoulder at all so I just rubbed its chest and it pecked lightly at my fingers. Honey senpai was sat on Mori senpais back while he swam. After a while, Mori senpai got out while the rest of the guys freaked out about something with Honey senpai.

"Hey n/n chan, come and swim with me," Honey senpai looked at me, obviously a bit bored now Mori senpai wasn't there to keep him entertained.

"Maybe a bit later," I replied, "I have a bird problem."

He laughed at me and nodded.

"You're a bird handler," he joked as Tamaki and the twins began playing with water guns. 

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