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"Morn...ing..?" I walked into my class to see my line of desks was totally taken over by the host club, all the girls were gushing over them and Nagisa was stood near the door way with a slightly annoyed expression, "what the hell is going on here?"

"Y/n chan!" the small blonde of the group hopped over to me.

"Chan?" I gave him annoyed look, "do I look cute to you?"

"I'm sorry!" he mumbled before running back to where the other hosts were stood, crying as he went.

Why the hell do I feel bad? He's an annoying... first year? Second year? What year is he in? He looks like he should be in grade school...

"Y/n senpai, we're here to invite you to the host club," Haruhi smiled. I just turned and walked out of the classroom.

"Hey! Where're you going?" Tamaki shouted after me.

"Home," I replied. There's no way I'm sticking around long enough for them to bug me into joining... 

"Mr l/n, where do you think you are going?" our homeroom teacher asked.

"Not class, that's where," I replied, "bye."

I walked out the school and walked in a random direction until around noon when I realised I was hungry.

"That's what I get for not having breakfast," I sighed before opening my bag, "did I even bring my wallet?"

I rummaged through and slumped forward with a sigh.

"I didn't!" I exclaimed, "I'm such a dumbass!"

Maybe I can get food and then work it off?

No way! No one will let me do that!

"Young man," someone tapped my arm, I turned around to see an old man, smiling at me kindly, "you've been stood out here for a while. Are you ok?"

"Yes. I'm fi--" I started before my stomach went and cut me off, "--ne. I'm fine, I promise."

"Come with me," he gestured before turning around and walking into a traditional Japanese restaurants. I looked around confused. Maybe he's talking to someone else? No one was around so I cautiously followed him.

"Take a seat," he smiled before disappearing into the kitchen. I took a seat and sighed, pulling out my text books and reading through them.

"Might as well look over what I am missing today," I mumbled, pulling out a note book and pen and looking over everything back and forth, answering the questions and checking the answers. Then a bowl of ramen was placed in front of me by the old man.

"I have no money," I told him.

"Your company here would be sufficient," he replied, sitting down across from me, "as you can see, this place isn't the most popular place in the world."

You can say that again, we're the only people in here...

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Oh. I am y/n," I replied, "and you?"

"Tenchi Adaachi," he replied, "just call me Tenchi."

"Nice to meet you," I nodded to him before taking a sip of the ramen, "oh wow, this is amazing."

"I'm glad you think so," he nodded before getting up and leaving.

I found myself eating while working until I went to get more just to find I was finished.

"Oh. I ate that quicker than I thought," I gawked before smiling and pulling out my phone. I called the house and waited for an answer.

"Hello?" came our butler, Kisame, response, "you have reached the l/n household."

"It's me, y/n, do you mind bringing my wallet to..." I looked to the sign, "Kaigen Ramen? It's on my desk."

"Kaigen Ramen, young master?" he asked, "shouldn't you be in school."

"I took a day off for self study," I lied, "please don't tell father. He will probably be really angry."

"I understand. I will bring your wallet in ten minutes," he replied before hanging up.

I continued doing the work before Kisame walked in and bowed to me.

"Young master," he passed me my wallet, "would you like me to drive you home?"

"No. I think I'm going to stay here for a bit longer," I replied, "thanks for bringing this, though."

"My pleasure, young master. Please call me when you wish to return home," Kisame bowed before walking away.

Time passed and then a small boy came flying into the restaurant.

"Grandpa!" he shouted as Tenchi came out from the kitchen and opened his arms, catching the small boy.

"Tetsuki!" Tenchi smiled, "welcome back. Did you have a good day at school?"

"Yes I did," Tetsuki nodded before noticing me, "hello! How are you, mr?"

"I am fine," I smiled, "what's your name?"

"Tetsuki Adaachi!" he grinned, "I'm seven. Who're you?"

"My name is y/n," I smiled before looking at the time, "oh. I think it's time for me to go home. Thank you for the ramen, it was nice to meet both of you."

I packed my books away and left some money on the table under the empty bowl and bowed before leaving, calling Kisame to pick me up from the train station near here.

For the next week, the same thing repeated, I'd go in class and they'd be there ready to ambush me so I'd give my work for the previous day to my teacher and then leave to Kaiden Ramen where I'd sit and do my work while getting to know Tenchi more and even helping Tetsuki with his homework when he returned from school. Apparently Tetsuki goes to school and then comes to Kaiden Ramen after school until 7pm when his dad comes picks him up.

"Are they here?" I whispered, looking a Nagisa, she shook her head so I sighed and went to go into the classroom before someone wrapped something around my eyes, pulled my hands behind my back and began dragging me away, "hey! Who the hell--?! Let me go! Goddamn-- when I get my hands on you I will destroy you!"

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