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Days passed, those days turned to a month and everywhere... I mean everywhere I turned one of the hosts were watching me. Let's just say, it was freaking me out at this point, however, it seemed the only time I was able to be alone was when I was napping in the maze.

"How annoying..." I grumbled, pausing as a cool breeze brushed past, "it's been getting warmer recently. Napping might become a bit more difficult soon..."

??? PoV

"He looks kind of lonely, don't you think so, Haruhi?" Hikaru asked me, I looked up from placing the coffee cup on the table of one of Tamaki senpai's guests and looked over to see the twins and Honey senpai staring at something out the window.

"Who?" I asked, walking over to see them watching l/n senpai again. Poor guy, never gets a break from their stalking... Though they don't see it that way.

"Him," Kaoru replied, pointing at the h/c haired boy just stood staring into nothing.

"I guess so," I nodded, "I don't really see him doing much."

"He only talks to Nagisa," Tamaki senpai whined as he leaned on me like I was some kind of walking stick.

"Nagisa senpai is that girl from the first day, right?" I asked, brushing him off me.

"Yes," Honey senpai smiled, "she's come here once but never returned. Apparently its not really her scene."

"Whoa whoa-- guys check it out-!" Hikaru suddenly exclaimed causing us to look down to see a brown haired girl facing l/n senpai, "it's Nagisa senpai."

"She looks nervous," Tamaki senpai commented as Mori senpai and Kyoya senpai both walked over, obviously curious about what we were watching.

Hikaru opened the window and we listened in.

Your PoV

"Uhm-- y/n?" I heard Nagisa call me, I turned to see her blushing and avoiding all eye contact. Strange. Why's she so flustered?

"What's the matter?" I asked her, leaning against the arch.

"Uh--" she seemed uncomfortable, or nervous? I couldn't really tell.

"I need to tell you something," she blurted out, "I like you! Will-- will you please date me?"



"You wouldn't like me if you were to find out what I did," I told her.

"T-that's not true!" she exclaimed shaking her head, "dating a person means that you have to embrace their past and flaws and help fix them or just accept them. No matter what you did, I wouldn't stop liking you for it."

Even if it was not realising my best friend was suffering so much that he went and killed himself?

I stood in silence for a few moments, trying to read her. I guess I'm not as good at reading people as I thought I was.

"I have a question for you," I looked down at her, she finally looked up and gave me eye contact.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Do you have someone you love?" I asked, "it can be platonic or romantic, I don't mind. I just wonder..."

"W-well yes. I do," she nodded.

"How would you feel if one day they suddenly just disappeared?" I asked her, she looked at me uncertain.

"Well... I guess I'd feel sad. And if they were really close to me, I'd feel lonely or out of place with the hole in my life they'd left behind," she replied, giving me an unsure look, "why?"

"Truth be told, I did have someone I loved," I told her, she looked at me sadly, "I'd known them my whole life. I don't know when I started to love them, I just knew that whenever they got close to me or we brushed fingers or even when they smiled, my heart was race like it was trying to free itself from my body. I never had the guts to speak up, I mean-- we had a great friendship, we were best friends and we shared so much that I didn't want to mess anything up. I regret not confessing..."

Rein. When did it happen? When did I start to feel that way towards him? I seriously don't remember.

"I-I see," she nodded, looking down disappointed.

"However, they disappeared," I told her, she looked back up, "I... I abandoned everything we shared and loved after they disappeared and found myself stuck in a place like limbo where my emotions didn't work."

She stood in silence as she just listened to me.

"You deserve someone better than me," I told her, she frowned questionably, "you see... You could answer that question, I, however, couldn't. I didn't know and still don't know how I feel, I just know I have this gaping hole inside my life where something should be, my missing piece...and I'm not whole without it."

"Nagisa, you're a great girl but I seriously think you deserve someone better than me," I told her honestly, "you wouldn't gain anything but hardship dating me."

"No!" she shook her head, "You're wrong! I want to help you, but I won't give up because I really do like you. You're different to all the other rich boys I know. You're not snobby, you don't flaunt your money, power or status to others, you're genuinely kind. There's nothing fake about you. I will try ask you out again, but first I'll give you some time to try and settle your inner battle. It sounds like you had one hell of a first love to be suffering the way you are. It saddens me to see someone like this, but I... I don't know how I can help you but let you think."

"Im sorry that I can't return your feelings right now," I said, looking away.

"It's fine, I promise," she gave me a forced but hurt smile, "I'll head back first. I have to help sensei out for next lesson."

I watched as she walked away and then slid down to the floor.

I'm sorry, Nagisa... But I just can't...

"Senpai," someone called, I looked up to see it was that girlish guy host dude.

"What's up?" I asked, looking at him blankly.

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