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Kyoya's PoV

"Well that was an unexpected reaction," I commented as I sat down, placing my tablet on the table beside me and sighing. 

I can still feel the kiss. Now even I am irritated.

"Be honest, Kyoya senpai," Haruhi walked over, "you knew he'd react that way when he saw the video."

"On the contrary," I shook my head, "I didn't expect him to see the video. But... I suppose it can't be helped."

I quickly turned my tablet on and went to the host clubs website, deleting the video.

"I suppose this was his safe place away from his fame," I mumbled.

"Well, Kyoya, I think you should find him," Tamaki walked over, "you are the one who annoyed him. You've been egging him on since we first met. Don't tell me you didn't want this reaction."

"While it was a reaction. It wasn't the one I wanted," I replied before standing up again and pulling out my phone, "but I suppose, as I am the one who angered him, I will be the one to apologise."

"Bring him back, Kyo chan," Honey senpai called, "we wouldn't want him getting hurt, right Takashi?"

"No," Mori senpai shook his head.

I guess not.

"Well then, excuse me," I turned and walked away, ringing the police force. Might as well put them to use. God only knows where y/n will have marched off to.

Y/n has really soft lips...kind of unexpected...

Nows not the time to be thinking about that. Why am I think about it anyway? It was a mistake and it'll stay that way.

My call was finally answered.

"Young master Kyoya?"

"Yes, I need you to dispatch the force."


"He's at this beach?" I asked my driver.

"Yes, sir," he replied.

"Alright. I'll be leaving now," I told him, "don't bother waiting for me. I'll make my own way home later."

I climbed out of the limo and walked to the edge of the beach to see a mess of h/c. I stepped onto the sand and walked over to the boy.

"He's sleeping?" I mumbled to myself as I reached him and leaned forward slightly, "that's really dangerous of him... what if the tide came in?"

I sighed and nudged his shoulder with my shoe.

"Wake up, y/n," I said. He didn't wake up so I sighed and sat down next to him.

He looks really peaceful. I wonder what he's dreaming about.

"Oh well. Might as well continue party preparations," I pulled out my tablet and continued working. 

It was an hour later that y/n finally woke up.

"Where..?" he mumbled, sitting up, "oh yeah, the beach... wait-- what're you doing here?"

"Watching over you while you sleep," I replied, "watching you has made me sleepy."

"Well you wasted your time," y/n hissed as he stood up and stretched. I sighed and stood up as well.

"I'm actually here to apologise," I told him, "I understand what I did really was wrong. I shouldn't have pushed you as far as I did."

Y/n looked at me curiously before nodding.

"My sister loved your band so I've seen your face numerous times. Though, I didn't ever understand why she liked you guys so much. I suppose, when I saw you come into my class I wanted to find out what was so great about you," I continued, "I went to far."

He hummed before nodding.

"Well, to be totally honest with you," he looked out over the ocean, "I don't really know what's so great about me either. So don't worry too much about that."

A breeze blew past us, ruffling his h/c hair. He's actually kind of... handsome... Now now, Kyoya, now isn't the time for admiring other people's good looks.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well... It's hard to explain," he replied, "but I think people over exaggerate my existence. I'm not as great as people want me to be."

I already know the answer to this question but I'll ask anyway, despite me already knowing all about his past from... Tamaki forcing us to spy on him and Haruhi.

"Mind telling me what's got you so ashamed of your past?" I asked him.

"I do. Sorry," he replied, looking at me, "I don't trust you enough to divulge that information."

As expected.

"I see," I nodded, "well anyway, all I wish is you put some effort into the host club. In return, I will stop digging up your past and I will stop irritating you. You just have to try."

"Fine," he sighed, "does that mean I have to go to the party tomorrow?"

"Yes it does," I nodded, "well now that's settled, I'll be heading home. Get home safely, good bye."

"You too," he nodded before pulling his phone out and calling someone, "hi. Yes, pick me up please..."

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