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I was sat in the club room. I was extremely annoyed.


Well it's simple. My mind was spitting out lyrics and I wanted to write them down but I seriously couldn't. I had no paper. Or a pen. So...

"n/n chan, are you OK?" Honey senpai walked over cautiously, "you've been glaring scarily at the wall for a while now."

I shifted my "glare" from the wall to him and watched him freeze. Sighing, I smile.

"It's nothing," I told him, "I just have a headache. That's all."

"Oh no.. Do you want cake?" he asked, suddenly producing a plate with a slice of cake on, "but I want the strawberry. We can't halfsies a strawberry..."

"I'm fine," I smiled, "I'm not really up for sweets today. I'm just going to nap."

"No you're not," Kyoya quickly interjected, "we have club activities."

I groaned before grabbing the outfit he was holding and going to change, I was wearing a f/c kimono with black waist ties.

Walking back in, I see the twins doing their twincest act, Kyoya was becoming a heartless tax collector towards Haruhi, Tamaki was doing his usual 'Prince' look. Honey senpai was crying over something and Mori senpai was walking over to the smaller boy while Haruhi decided to abandon Kyoya's cold heartedness and took a place stood next to me in between one of the partition frames.

I noticed one thing seemed to be common today, everyone seems to have an unlimited amount of tears.

"What on earth--?" I mumbled as Haruhi also came to the conclusion that tears seemed to be popular today as well.

I closed my eyes for a couple moments and the next thing I know, Haruhi is holding a small vial of eye drops with a detestable look on her face, the twins both grinning at her like it was nothing.

"What's this?" she asked.

"For your information, it's common for hosts to use eye drops," Kaoru told her.

"No woman alive can resist a man on the brink of tears," Hikaru added on.

Yeah right.

"That's cheating," both myself and Haruhi pointed out. Hikaru slumped over her and poked her cheek childishly while Kaoru looked like he was going to attempt to do the same to me but decided against it either from the fact I towered over him or the deathly glare I was shooting him saying if he touched me, he'd regret it.

"Oh don't be such a party pooper," Hikaru teased.

"Here, Haruhi, this is for you," Kaoru changed the subject by producing a small clear case with a flower? No... I think that's some kind of sweet? Well anyway, he handed it to Haruhi 'generously'.

Haruhi's eyes lit up as soon as she received it.

"It's for me?" she asked, looking at him confused but happy at the same time.

Aw she's kind of cute.

"Aren't you just the cutest?" the twins both chimed before two girls skidded over to Haruhi with hearts basically pouring off them.

"How exhausting," I sighed before walking to my area and kneeling down on one of the cushions. It seemed that I didn't have any guests yet so...can I nap?

Looking around to make sure no one **cough** Kyoya **cough** was looking. I folded my arms on the table and rests my head on them before closing my eyes.

But then I felt that very familiar feeling of a certain dark haired, glasses wearing shadow King burning holes in the back of my head and quickly sat up as straight as I could get.

It was at that moment that two girls appeared and struck up a conversation with me.

Somewhere off in the distance Tamaki was bugging Haruhi.

"... And then this guy totally appeared out of no where and beat the perverts up!" one of the girls finished the story I really wasn't paying attention to but really, I think I can figure out what was going on just by listening to the ending of it.

"Sounds dangerous," I commented before leaning forward. Ugh-- flirting.

Capturing her chin in between my thumb and index finger, I tilted her head up and gazed into her eyes with a dead expression.

"Next time be more careful," I told her smoothly.

The girls around us, even the ones not even at me table squealed.

I'm going to get a migraine one of these days and I will blame it on this stupid club.

"No! Don't touch me! You're phoney!" someone shouted, I looked towards the door to see Tamaki go flying.

I managed to keep my expression straight for a couple milliseconds before I threw my hand over my mouth to conceal my snickers.

"Yes. The phoney Prince," I teased as I stood up and walked over to Tamaki who was moping as usual.

"What do you mean? I'm phoney?" Tamaki asked.

"Just what I said! You're phoney!" the girl shouted, pointing at him, "I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the Prince character of this host club."

"I like this girl," I laughed, "let's keep her. Something entertaining may happen."

Haruhi, who was now at my side again, just sighed.

"You shouldn't go spreading your love so easily like that, you stupid! You must be a dim-witted narcissist! You're incompetent! A commoner! You're disgusting!" the girl continued her onslaught as Tamaki dramatically got hit by metaphorical arrows of shame and then went tumbling to the floor, somehow slower than he should be moving.

"He's created a brand new technique!" Hikaru pointed out.

"One man slow motion," Kaoru finished.

"OK. This just got weird," I mumbled.

"I don't suppose...you are..." Kyoya trailed off with a thoughtful look on his face. As soon as the girl saw him, all that nastiness floated away and she suddenly became something you could compare to a doting girlfriend or wife.

"It's you! Kyoya!" she shouted as she ran forward, using Tamaki's already pretty lifeless form as a springing board and launched at Kyoya, trapping him in a vice grip hug, "how I've longed to meet you! My one and only prince charming."


Why do I feel.. Slightly jealous?

Walking forward I quickly separated the two by grabbing the girls collar and lifted her up.

Wow, it's either I got really strong recently or she's super light.

"How dare you get between mine and Kyoya's love?" she shouted, thrashing in my hold as I carried her to a sofa and sat her down.

"Oh hush now," I rolled my eyes, "You're too noisy. I have a headache."

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