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Kyoya's PoV

The door slammed shut and Mrs l/n looked out in that direction in anger.

"He's going to get himself hurt again," she grumbled before looking at us, "what happened?"

"It was my fault," Nanan said as he stood up properly, wincing as he moved, "I pushed him. I used Rein against him, I shouldn't have."

"What did you say exactly?" she asked him.

"I... I'd rather not repeat anything," he muttered.

"Mum... y/n wont come home tonight will he?" Toru asked, looking at Mrs l/n.

"No, he probably wont," she replied.

"What does that mean?" the twins asked.

"It means, y/n is going to go to wherever it is he goes and he'll fight until he can't move, then when someone goes to get him, he'll pull himself together and come back here," Mrs l/n replied, "I warned him that there were rumours of you going to Ouran but he didn't act on it. I expected that he'd force his father to take him out of Ouran or transfer him somewhere far away."

"But he continued to stay with us," Tamaki said, "why is that?"

"Because he found something he enjoys somewhere in the place that he hates," Toru smiled weakly, "please. Find y/n and bring him back. I'm afraid that if we don't, he'll never return."

"I think I know where he'll be so I'll bring him back. I promise," I stood up, "and no, none of you can come with. Excuse me."

I stood up and excused myself before walking out to where my driver was still sat.

"Please take me to that beach from a few weeks ago," I told him once I was in the car.

"Of course."

I have a feeling y/n will fight then he'll go there. Let's hope he's as predictable as I wish he will be.

But it seems that his past really is a big trigger for him, I've never seen anyone look so... sad before while they're arguing... it hurt to see.

Your PoV

"Tch-- I told you that I wasn't in the mood," I snapped as I stepped over the bodies all over the concrete and began walking away, wiping the blood at my mouth and growling at the states my knuckles were in, "you made me get blood and dirt all over me. So irritating."

"You're... a... monster..." someone coughed out behind me.

"No, you're just weak," I shot back before walking out of the alleyway and walking in a random direction.

When I finally stopped walking, the sun had begun setting and I found myself in the middle of the beach.

"Why do I always come here when I am annoyed?" I asked no one in particular before smiling and looking up.

"Y/n! Hey! Y/n y/n! Sing for me!" Rein shouted, "no actually-- sing for yourself. Get on that stage and share your voice with the world!"

"I don't know what you're going on about but ok," I nodded, "I'll sing."

Should I sing?

I miss it.

I miss music...

I miss holding a guitar, standing on a stage, staring out into the crowd of eager faces. I miss the exhilaration from preforming. I miss being able to smile at my bandmates and laugh. 

"Sing, y/n. Sing."

(this is Tabidachi no uta from assassination classroom)

"Kaze ga fuiteru," I started, "Boku no kata osu you. Aa susumubeki. Michi wa ima. Anata no saki e to..."

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