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We returned to the club room not long after and change, Haruhi left to do something while the rest of us just sat around. Well, I kept my distance because Tamaki was day dreaming and his face was freaking me out.

Just what is he dreaming about?

"He must be having a great day dream," Honey senpai commented.

"He's kind of creeping me out," Hikaru commented, which seemed to snap the dumb blonde out of his day dream.

"Envious, Hikaru? This is all part of my strategy. While you've wasted time blinded by your jealousy, I've foreseen the outcome of this charade," Tamaki announced, "ah~ this anime is obvious a romantic school comedy. Haruhi and I are the main characters. So that means we are love interests."

"For some reason... I think you hit your head or something," I said, approaching him, "does your head hurt? Concussion maybe? Maybe you just lost that final brain cell that was holding on for dear life. Oh Tamaki, I feel so sorry for you, how will you survive?"

I was letting my sarcasm roll off in waves as I mocked checked his head.

"Mock me as you wish," he replied, "you're just jealous you're not a love interest."

"Yeah. I'm not jealous," I shook my head, "I don't want to date Haruhi, she's more like a little sister than anything."

That and she reminds me way too much of Rein that it kind of scares me.

"Well then what are we?" the twins asked.

"You boys are the homosexual supporting cast," Tamaki replied.

Huh. He's not that far off, I suppose.

He pulled out a stick and drew a line between us and him, the other boys seemed to adopt a doom and gloom aura.

"So please make sure you don't step across this line," Tamaki smiled suspiciously as hearts seemed to float around him.

"Whoops," I stepped across, "seems I stepped across."

"Hey listen, boss," Hikaru spoke up.

"I don't think you get it," Kaoru added on.

"If word gets out that Haru chan is really a girl then she wont be able to be in the host club anymore," Honey senpai finished. The white wash appearance Tamaki adopted told me all too clearly that he did not consider that.

"Don't tell me..." I trailed off.

"But if Haru chan did start wearing girls clothes I bet she'd be even cuter than she is now," Honey senpai continued with a happy smile, flowers seemingly floating around him. I think I'll get sun burn from him if I stick around too long, he's too bright.

"She did dress like a regular girl when she was in middle school, right?" Hikaru asked, "she must have been pretty popular with all the boys."

"Yeah. According to my investigatory reports, someone would declare their undying love for her at least once a month," Kyoya told us.

"Wow, that's kind of impressive," I hummed, "though I can imagine that it probably went over her head and she thought they were talking about something else."

"That does sound like Haruhi," Kaoru nodded, "But hey. That would also mean that the boss wouldn't be able to get close to her."

"But we'd be able to because we're in class with her all day long," Hikaru added on.

"No way," Tamaki bubbled up in tears.

"I think we broke him," I said.

"Hey, guys, sorry I'm so late," Haruhi walked in, Tamaki was instantly on her.

"I'm going to go to the library, I need to go pick up another maths book," I announced. Plus I don't want to be around when Tamaki has his mental break down.

"Alright, see you later," Kyoya nodded.

"Bye n/n chan!" Honey senpai waved as I slipped past Haruhi and Tamaki and headed towards the library.

I need maths level four, right? It's mainly algebra if I remember correctly. Oh I should pick up a japanese literature book as well. Oh and a japanese history book too... should I grab a Pythagoras theorem book as well? I don't... know...

"Oh y/n," Kyoya called, I turned and waited for him.

"Something wrong, Kyoya?" I asked.

"Not at all," he shook his head, "I just remembered I need to pick up a japanese literature book. So I'll go with you."

"Alright then," I nodded, "so what stupid plan did Tamaki come up with?"

"We disguise as doctors or he tries to take Haruhi's place," he replied with a slightly amused expression, "I'll just have a doctor put to the side. After all, it is my families doctors that are coming in."

I feel like he just flexed his families fame at me.

Crazy bastard.

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