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"Here's your suit," Kyoya past me a black suit cover. I shook my head and pulled my own outfit from my bag.

"I have something," I told him, "so I'll go get changed."

"Alright," he nodded as I walked away from him and went into the changing room.

I quickly changed out of the schools uniform and into the formal wear I brought with me.

"Wow, it's not really creased," I commented as I looked in the mirror, "I stuffed it in my bag this morning too... our maids and their ability to keep things tidy even when they're thrown somewhere terrifies me."

I was wearing a simple pair of black dress shoes and a dark red pair of dress pants, a white long sleeve button up (that hugged me a bit too much for my liking), with a matching dark red waist coat and a pair of white gloves. I left the top two buttons of my shirt undone and yawned as I walked out of the changing room and headed towards the ballroom where the host club were probably waiting for me.

"Come up here, y/n," Tamaki called from his position on the stairs.

I'm not a dog, you can't just call me wherever you want me to go.

"What're you doing, n/n chan, come stand with us!" Honey senpai called.

I guess, if this was a game, choosing to stay where I was, was the wrong choice.

"Fine, stop pushing already," I sighed as I walked up the stairs and stood on the step between Haruhi and Kyoya. I looked at everyone's outfits, Haruhi was wearing a pretty plain looking brown suit, Tamaki was wearing a white suit with one of those weird neck ties some people choose to wear instead of a tie, you know the ones that look like a cloth you've just tucked in part way? The twins wore matching plaid waist coats, Kyoya wore a basic black suit that you would usually see business men wear to meetings or something, Honey senpai was in a similar white suit to Tamaki but instead had a bow tie and Mori senpai wore a dark grey suit and bow tie. I feel kind of out of place with a red colour, I should've taken that stupid black suit my dad gave me for a dinner party a few years ago. Then again, it probably wouldn't have fit me anymore.

Five minutes of waiting later and everyone was in the ballroom.

"It is so good to see you tonight, my little lambs," Tamaki announced, "the Ouran Host Club would like to bid you welcome."

Light flooded the room and music from a hired strings orchestra began playing and the party began as we bowed to the guests, the ladies clapping at us. Tamaki literally said welcome, is that all you need to be applauded these days?

"Remember to smile, y/n," Kyoya tapped my shoulder.

"I know," I grumbled, rolling my eyes before forcing a smile on my face.

"As always, ladies, the host club members are here for your entertainment," Kyoya announced, "so we invite you to dance to your hearts content. Based on her dancing skills, one lucky young lady will be chosen as tonight's Queen. The Queens reward will be a passionate kiss on the cheek from our King."

I can just feel Tamaki's smugness rolling off him from down here...

"Good luck to you, my darlings," Tamaki added on, he's doing that weird flirty wink isn't he?

The girls squealing told me, yes, yes he was doing that weird flirty wink thing.

"Haruhi..! Show some enthusiasm," the twins slid over to Haruhi who was looking as unwilling to be here as I was.

"Well excuse me, you guys, sorry I'm not used to this sort of thing," Haruhi replied, "I've only ever gone to the festivals help in my neighbourhood park."

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