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Everyone had been dropped off home and it was just me and Kyoya left in the vehicle.

"Driver, take us to that place," Kyoya ordered.

"I'm not going home?" I asked.

"I want to take you somewhere before you do," he told me, "that is if it's OK with you?"

"You're my ride," I shrugged, "I'll go wherever you want to take me, granted, if you're trying to kill me... I won't allow it."

"Yeah I wouldn't do that," Kyoya replied, "besides, if I did want someone dead, I wouldn't do it myself. I'd hire capable people to take my target out and assure that none of us will be caught."

"Have...you planned someone's death before?" I asked him, suddenly having an overwhelming fear for my life. Best not to anger him, huh?

"I-- no. I'm just being logical," he replied.


You're one scary dude if that's you being logical.

My phone began ringing, pulling it out, I look at the ID.


Oh its the manager? When did he get my new number?


"Y/n. So that brat Nanan did give me the right number."

"Yes, I suppos--"

"Are you an absolute idiot?! Why did you change your number?! Where the hell did you run off to?! Why the hell are you only just coming back five months later?! Are you a dumbass?! You are the bane of my existence! Ah!"

I couldn't even hold my phone near my ear at the end of that, he just screamed down the damn line.

"Yes. It's good to talk to you too."

"Seriously! You're one hell of a nuisance. Do you have any idea how much Zodiac's disbandment affected me?! I'm the laughing stock of the industry!"

We disbanded for a good reason, you mean bastard.

"Well we're getting back together on the first of next month. We're on a plane over to Tokyo."

"I know! The ticket money is coming out of my wallet! Ah!"

I swear he can be such a child sometimes.

"Calm down, Cloudia, you know our families are dripping in wealth right? We could've paid for ourselves."

"Yeah well..."

Oh he's calmed down.

"I want you back on my terms. Not on your families. I know how much you all hate the fact that your families richness pulls you down more than people would expect so..."

"Thank you."

I couldn't help but to smile before noticing Kyoya's stare out the corner of my eye.

"I have to go, Cloudia, I am otherwise engaged at the moment."

"A date?"

"Uh-- I'm not really sure. But I have to go, call you later," I quickly said before hanging up and throwing my phone in my pocket, "he gives me a headache sometimes."

"Who was it?" Kyoya asked curiously as he pressed a button and a partition rose up between us and the driver, I'm going to guess its to give us more privacy.

"If I told you it was another guy would you get jealous?" I asked him.

"No, of course not," he turned away coldly. Wow, now I feel super disappointed.

Sighing, I look out my window.

"It was my manager, Cloudia Von Houseberge," I replied, "he owns the agency that scouted us when we were younger and he's personally seen to all our needs for as long as I can remember during our time at Cloud Records."

"I see..." Kyoya muttered, "then no. I won't get jealous."


I turned to look at him, now kind of confused. So does that mean he was jealous? Or doesn't it? Hm... Confusing...

"Don't think too hard," suddenly a flick to the forehead brought me out of my analysis of his words and brought me back to reality.

"What was that for?" I pouted, rubbing my forehead where he'd flicked me.

"I could practically see the cogs in your head turning," he told me, "anyway, our location should be coming up on your right soon."

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that. Where are we going, Kyoya?" I asked him again.

"Somewhere...important," he replied, sparing way too much room to try and think something up.

It was right then that my eyes landed on a sign.

'Ootori Private Children's Hospital'

"Kyoya, I don't need to go to a hospital, you know? That doctor from the beach already did good enough of a job on my back," I told him with a slight frown and turning my attention back to him.

"It's not about that, though I do wish you would go get it checked properly," he sighed, "it's a childrens hospital filled with children who I recently discovered love Zodiac."

"Oh really?" I asked, feeling a bit of happiness bubble up inside me.

"I discovered it early when I came to visit on behalf of my elder brother," he told me, "I thought I'd bring you here because it'd make the children happy and I think it'd make you happy."


Why just me though?

Smiling, I take his hand closest to me and then lean over to him.

"What about you? Will it make you happy?" I whispered.

"Extremely," he replied before pecking my nose and then pushing me back to my seat, "now sit still, if you get hurt, it's not my fault. The hospital will be in view shortly."

Such a cold, teasing, dark Prince. Evil teaser. Mean, cold hearted man... Grr... Bastard Kyoya..!

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