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We entered the hospital and were greeted by a kind man not much older than the two of us, I suppose, who happily chatted with me like we were old friends.

He's quite friendly, that's a nice change.

I noticed Kyoya frowning slightly from the corner of my eye as we were talking and couldn't help but smile (inwardly) at his clear jealously.

So Kyoya, the living stone, can feel jealously. Score! That makes me feel really satisfied and I have no idea why.

"Anyway, we wanted to go around the wards today and meet the kids," Kyoya quickly butted in, "and the sooner we get it done, the sooner the children will be just a little bit happier."

"Right. Of course, Mr Ootori, please follow me," the man replied, not even phased by the hostility in Kyoya's previous tone. Thick skinned too. This guy is interesting.

We began walking around the hospital, Kyoya would go in and talk to the kids for a bit before allowing me in, as soon as the kids saw me it's like the room gained a whole ass sun. It was so bright--! Happy children scare me a bit, they're so cheerful and...well that makes me just a tiny bit uncomfortable.

A few times I was asked to sing a song so I found myself doing one man unplugged versions of some of our songs sometimes, while most of the time I just sang nursery rhymes or whatever just popped into my head at the time.

Then we left the hospital, I was about to climb in the car when Kyoya pulled me back and away from the vehicle.

"May I help you?" I asked him, slightly confused by his sudden action.

"I'm just wondering where we stand," he replied, pushing his glasses up the way he does when he has some smart ass comment on the brain.

"You're my boyfriend, though you want it kept a secret," I replied, pouting as I said the last bit.

"So you weren't flirting with that guy at the counter?" he asked, raising a brow.

"No," I laughed, shaking my head, "I'd never. What was it you said? 'I only need you'?"

He nodded.

"The same goes for me," I told him, "I'd like to show you off to the world but I guess you're a bit uncomfortable with that. Oh-- I never asked really, but what exactly is your sexuality? It's fine if you don't want to say..."

"My sexuality?" he repeated, "well... I'd say I'm most likely bisexual."

I smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

"And there's nothing wrong with that," I told him, "after all, I'm the exact same. Though, society is still kind of cruel, huh? Being who we are might be a bit difficult, but I'm sure we can do it together just fine."

He just stared at me so I gave him a confused look.

"What's the matter?" I asked him.

"I'm just... You're really quite beautiful, you know?" he said so easily.

"You know guys don't really want to be associated with the word beautiful, or at least, I don't," I frowned at him though I knew my burning face was betraying my words.

"Oh really?" he chuckled, "OK then. I guess you're a good looking troll. Now let's get going."

Good... Looking... Troll..?

. . ?

"That was so mean!" I exclaimed, "Good looking troll, my ass! That means I'm partially ugly! I am not ugly. I have a very good face, I'll have you know."

"I know and no one but I can admire it," he replied so nonchalantly that it felt like almost a natural thing to say.

This bastard... What the hell is he and why is he so freaking good at sweet talking??


Kyoya put the partition up between us and the driver.

What? Going to do something embarrassing?

"Six inches," Kyoya suddenly said out of the blue.

"What is?" I asked.

Six inches? The fuck? So random...

"I'll leave that to your imagination," he replied, shooting me a sly smirk as he pushed his glasses up his nose.


A few moments of me looking at him confused and then the realisation hit me like a tonne of bricks.

"Holy shit, you smooth mother fucker!" I pushed myself away from him and into the door.

"Yes, that's me, the smooth mother fucker," Kyoya nodded before looking at me amused, "though I'd rather fuck her son."

Holy shit--!

I pushed my hand out and then threw the other one across my face to hide the giant red blush I know I've adopted.

"You...stay over there," I stuttered out.

Holy crap, I feel so nervous right now...nervous and definitely something else.

"Why?" he asked, I felt him take hold of my outstretched hand and then kiss my knuckles, "scared?"

Who taught him how to tease?! I will not forgive you!

"Me? Scared?" I let out a 'pff' sound, "don't be so silly."

I dropped my hands and grabbed the one he was holding my hand with before pulling him forward so our faces were merely inches apart.

"I'll never back down from a challenge," I smirked as he started to go slightly red. I kissed his forehead, then his nose, then I just stopped, glancing down at his lips before looking back to his eyes to see him studying me.

"You--" Kyoya was about to say something when the car suddenly swerved causing him to fall forward and close the gap, however, not the way I wished. Instead I got a nice whack on the forehead from Kyoya.

He quickly pushed away, rubbing his forehead as I sat up and rubbed my own.

"Ow--" I sighed as I straightened up, now suddenly sporting quite the migraine.

"Are you OK?" Kyoya asked, I nodded.

"I'll survive, how about you?" I returned.

"Same," he nodded, giving me the smallest, smallest smile he could muster.

"May I ask where you learned how to flirt so... Well..." I just gestured to around us, hoping he'd get that I meant what just happened.

"I simply saw a text post on social media of someone doing it to their boyfriend and apparently it ended pretty well so I decided to try it and I don't really know how it ended," he replied, clearing his throat slightly and pushing his glasses up, "pay no mind to it."

Copying off the internet? Kyoya? Really? What has this world come to?

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