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I was thrown into a chair and tied to it before the blindfold was finally taken off me. In front was the host club, though Haruhi looked like she was being forced to stay put by the twins.

"What?" I asked, allowing myself to show how annoyed I was.

"Zodiac," Kyoya simply said. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"A band that was founded when you were ten and quickly became popular, there were five people in it. Each of you were nicknamed after a zodiac sign. You were Leo. You created the band because your best friend wanted to be in one," he continued.


"Your fellow band members were Nanan Iko from the Iko family who run a large sports company. Zen Reishi from the R&C International."


"Chika Kotaro from the Kotaro family who're well known for their music based family," he continued.

"Stop..." I mumbled, "...please..."

"And finally Rei--"

"I said stop!" I shouted, looking at the floor. I started trying to release myself from the ropes. I refuse to listen to them reminding me of them. That's when I realised that the only people who know about most of that stuff would be fans, our families and Haruhi and I doubt people like these are our fans...

"Haruhi..." I grumbled, drooping forward, "I told you everything in confidence that you wouldn't tell anyone. You're one hell of a cruel girl..."

"I didn't tell them anything, I assure you," she told me.

"Did you say girl?!" someone shouted, "he knows Haruhi's secret! He can't escape!"

"I don't care if Haruhi is a girl or a boy," I growled, "just stay out of my past. I'll do anything for you to just stay out of my past. If I don't tell you, then I don't want you to know. It's called privacy and respect to another persons past... you shouldn't pry into something that I don't even want to relive myself."

"Will you let me go," Haruhi hissed before the ropes dropped down, I rested my elbows on my knees and I hid my face in my hands.

"I suck," I sighed.

I felt something knock against my leg and looked through my fingers to see it was a guitar. Just seeing the guitar made my heart speed up, my vision lost focus for a few moments as the memories of playing rushed back. No. I promised I'd never touch a guitar again. But... I want to play.

"Play. You know you want to," Tamaki urged.

"No," I shook my head and stood up, "leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you."

"Well if I remember correctly you said you'd do anything for us to stop talking about Zodiac," one of the twins started.

"So join the host club and we'll stop," the other twin finished, both of them wearing a mischievous expression.

"I'd rather destroy my favourite guitar than do that," I replied.

"Then I guess I'll continue," Kyoya pulled up his tablet.

"No stop!" I shouted, standing up and glaring at him, "all of you people are the same. Manipulative and evil. Fine, I'll join your stupid club. Just forget about Zodiac!"

And my music.

"Welcome to the host club, new member y/n," Tamaki cheered. I just sighed and started walking away.

"Where are you going n/n?" Honey senpai asked.

"To class," I replied, "I've skipped almost a full week of lessons because of you. Good thing I'm intelligent enough to teach myself. Damn vultures."

"Hi, y/n. You're staying in class today?" Nagisa asked as I sat down and slumped forwards on my desk.

"Yeah," I nodded, "I hate school... and most the people in it."

"I'm not in the most hated am I?" she asked.

"No," I shook my head, "all of the host club are though. I got dragged into their stupid club."

"You're in the host club?" Nagisa asked, giving me a weird look.

"Unfortunately," I sighed before sitting up and looking at her weirdly, "what's with that look?"

"I just hate that club. They're all a bunch of playboys and womanizers," she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure you're right," I nodded, "but I don't want to do anything that they do. I'll just stand in a corner or something."

"You wont be able to get away with that," she sighed, "they're persistent and they'll do whatever they have to to get what they want."

"I know. Why do you think I'm part of that stupid club?" I groaned, leaning back in my seat, "I regret coming in today."

"I feel like you regret coming in everyday, y/n," she looked at me sadly, "it seems you've had a pretty crappy first month of school, huh?"

"I guess..." I shrugged, "I didn't do school until last month so this is really just something new for me and I don't know how I should face it. Do I go heads first or do I sit back and relax. It's really confusing."

"What do you mean?" she asked, "were you home schooled?"

"Something like that," I shrugged.

No. I was studio schooled. Our manager had us all learning the same things at the same time. I guess that would make Nanan and Chika both ahead of their class by a year. Total geniuses thanks to our manager.

Oh great. Now I'm sad. Today sucks!


"Change into this," Kyoya passed me some weird costume as soon as I walked into music room three.

"No thanks," I shook my head, "I'll just serve coffee or tea or whatever."

"Nope," he shook his head, "change into that and come back out here."

I frowned but took the outfit and went to where he pointed to and changed. 

"Why am I wearing shorts and a flower necklace?" I grumbled as I walked out just to have myself dragged to a table.

"Good luck!" the twins waved.

I...don't know their names...

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