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"One month," I said.

"A month? Really?" Zen asked me.

"Yes. Give me one more month at Ouran," I smiled, "then I'll return to Tokyo with you."

The three looked at each other before nodding and looking at me with small smiles.

"Alright," Zen nodded, "in one month we'll all head back to Tokyo together."

"Good," I nodded.

And thus, my month began, my last month at the school. I ran through half of my time quickly, dragged into all sorts of host club shenanigans and spending a lot of my after school hours with Kyoya or the band, I even managed to drag everyone to old man Tenchi's restaurant, he was so happy to see me bringing so much life to his place. Of course, the host club were reluctant to eat the food at first but me and Haruhi, being the only normal ones, convinced them to eat by indulging in the delicious dish. Of course, Haruhi's reactions were drop dead adorable.

"I'm heading ou--" I went to shout before I was suddenly snatched out of the doorway and thrown into  a car, "morning, Kyoya."

"Good morning," he nodded to me, "we're going to the beach for the weekend."

We arrived in Okinawa after a few hours of travelling, when myself and Kyoya got out his family car, we came face to face with the rest of the host club who were waiting outside the Ootori resort.

"They're finally here," the twins pointed at us, "anyway, why did we come to Okinawa?"

"Because Kyoya's family has a private beach here," Tamaki replied as we walked into the building.

"I have some stuff for you in your room, lets go," Kyoya gestured for me to follow him while Tamaki explained to everyone why were were at Okinawa and not some more 'exotic' location like they probably would've hoped for, "there's some spare clothes in the wardrobe and a pair of swimming bottoms for you as well for when we go to the beach. I'm sure you'll find everything up to high satisfaction."

"Uh-- what's with the sudden formality?" I asked, "I feel like I'm talking to one of my fathers sponsors."

"Sorry," Kyoya apologised as I sat down on my bed and looked at him. We stayed in silence for a while.

"Your time is coming to an end soon," Kyoya broke the silence.

"Yeah," I nodded, looking away.

"How frequently do you think that you'll be able to come back here?" he asked, I let out a hum as I started thinking.

"Probably not very frequently," I replied, "last time I missed so much in my sisters life because I couldn't get home. Like celebrations such as Christmas or her birthday. I felt like I'd missed a lot of things in her life, important things, but I guess I'll be doing that again."

I looked at the floor and held my hands together in slight anger.

"Well then why don't you try?" Kyoya asked, he knelt down in front of me and gazed up towards me, "I can help you. No matter what it is you need, no matter where you are... if you need my help, I will do anything to help."

"Now why would you want to do that?" I asked him with a slightly amused look.

"I thought it was obvious at this point," he said, looking to the side as his face glowed red, "are you really going to make me say such embarrassing things."

I smiled and stood up, messing his hair up as I did.

"You're so cute, Kyoya, I hope you know that," I chuckled.

"Cute? Who're you calling cute?" he asked, standing up and turning to face me, "I'll have you know that I'm a very handsome, manly man."

He sounds like a character from an anime my sister watches...

"No 'manly' man goes around claiming that they're manly," I informed him with a laugh before turning and walking over to him again, I leaned forward. He stared at me as I did and I stopped leaning just before his ear.

"But I must agree you are rather handsome," I whispered before stepping away and smiling.

"Hey," Tamaki entered my room, "we're heading to the beach so get ready to go down."

"Alright," we both nodded to him.

We all just stood in silence for a while, I glanced at the two guys and sighed.

"To get ready, you need to actually leave my room, dumbasses," I told them with a sigh.

"Right," they both nodded before they left my room.

"What on earth was that all about?" I muttered before shaking my head and turning to the wardrobe. 

I pulled out the f/c swimming bottoms that reached just above my knees and changed into them, grabbing a f/c hoodie and walking out with them and met the rest of the club.

"Let's go!" Honey senpai cheered, I smiled and nodded before we all walked out the building and towards the beach.

Once there, I settled myself on a beach chair and relaxed, Kyoya took his place next to me while everyone else did whatever they did, about five minutes of relaxing later, all the guests from the host club arrived.

"Kyoya..." I looked at him, "I thought we were here to relax."

"When did I say we were here to relax?" he asked me with that irritatingly blank 'I am better than you' look.

It wasn't long before there was a giant line of ladies waiting to get a few moments with Tamaki, the twins played volleyball with their guests, Honey senpai and Mori senpai were doing some weird ritual dance with some guests, Kyoya left me and went to deal with Tamaki's line and Haruhi was sat on a blanket under an umbrella.

"Y/n senpai, come and play with us!" some of my guests ran over to me and grabbed my wrists.

"Suppose I have no choice," I smiled, "what do you want to play?"

"Let's play with the ball in the ocean," one of them cheered, I nodded and we went around knee deep into the water and began tossing the ball back and forth between the four of us.

This is boring. 

I would rather be taking a nap right about now...

"It's a major haul!" Haruhi's voice caught my attention, I glanced over to where she, Honey senpai and Mori senpai were all stood around to see there were an abnormal amount of craps and shell fish scuttling around them.

"That's weird, I didn't think this was one of those beaches," I hummed, "weird-- oof--"

The ball hit my head and dropped down in the water in front of me.

"Oh my-! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" one of the girls suddenly exploded in shock.

"I'm perfectly fine," I assured her, "let's get out of the water for now, I don't want you ladies getting sick."

The girls squealed as I began walking away.

Why create such a noise when all I did was tell you to get your asses out the water? I have a feeling I could be rude to them and I'd still get the exact same reaction. Irritating...

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