Special 1.4: The Requiem Of A Guitarist

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Warning: suicide warnings, death, bullying, homophobic comments (I just want to give Rein a hug >~<)


The words I got thrown at me were harsh and it mentally exhausted me.

I'd always rely on y/n to help me charge up again, but sometimes it wouldn't be enough. That's why... I couldn't go on any longer.

No more...

I stumbled through my apartment and pushed my way into the bathroom.

Please... Just no more...

"I can't take it anymore," I shouted at nothing as I gripped both sides of the sink.

"You're dragging them down."

"You're terrible."

"Stop making their music shit."

"You're disgusting to look at."

Please stop...

They were relentless.

"Zodiac would totally be better just with the four of them. His position is unnecessary."

"He can't even play well."

"He thinks he's all that just because he's got lead vocals."

"He's obviously lacking compared to the others so why even bother trying?"

"I..." my voice cracked before I noticed my guitar pick pendant hanging out of my shirt, "y/n..."

I reached for my phone.

"I need you," I croaked out awkwardly as I fumbled with the password and searched for my best friends number, "please answer.."

I always wanted to see y/n more than anyone else during these moments. But on this day, I shouldn't have called him. It was cruel.

"He actually looks like he's struggling to keep up with the others."

"Isn't he just being a burden on 'Leo' (your stage name, just a reminder)?"

"Yeah, it looks like he's always covering up that crappy guitarists mistakes."

"He's just a burden."

"He's always making mistakes."

"He's just ruining the bands dynamic."

"He should just give up."

"Answer," I whispered as I slipped down to the tiled floor, listening to the ringing tone.

"He's actually super ugly too."

"Bet the reason why he always looks so pale recently is because he's wearing so much makeup."

"Tch-- I used to like him. But he's total shit now."

"Did you hear about that time he refused a fan meet for unknown reasons? Bet it was because he couldn't be bothered to face his fans."

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