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And as the seasons changed, everything around us did too.

Zodiac went on it's third world tour, gathering a crap ton more fans all around.

We were away for two years and we had a ton of fun.

It was hard to keep in touch with people from Japan and I found myself gradually losing touch with everyone.

Keeping my relationship with Kyoya was the hardest though, I forced myself to stay up late in the evenings or get up early in the mornings or break away from having actual breaks just to talk to him on the phone.

My condition with my heart seemed to worsen everytime I pushed myself and by the year and a half point, I think Cloudia and Zen had both noticed because I was being a bit more...reluctant to go out of my way to do things. I mean-- things that required way too much energy, I didn't willingly do before, but now, I really was against it and wouldn't move no matter what they said or tried to do to coax me.

Then we returned home.

Honey senpai and Mori senpai were both graduates for two years and Tamaki and Kyoya had graduated the year before. Haruhi and the twins were in their third year of high school. Toru and Momochi were in their second last year of middle school now and apparently they'd started dating.

Toru was totally different from her cute adorable small self. She was actually the average height for her weight and you could tell she'd been doing a lot of training with mum. Her hair was a lot longer and she was a bit more formal. Dad and mum seemed to have a little bit of a wobbly relationship too. It was a bit weird to watch but I guess it is what it is.

But right now, I'm walking up to the Ootori house to visit Kyoya. It's been a while since we've spoken face to face, but we will finally get to do it today.

My phone was ringing out from my pocket.

Huh? It's Kyoya.

"Hey, Kyoya. I was just--"

"Y/n listen. I don't think we should see each other anymore."


"The relationship isn't working out very well. I rarely get to see you and when I do, we're both working. What we are really isn't dating nor is it really a friendship. I don't really know how to describe it. I guess it's like we're two very busy guys, meeting occasionally to do more work in each others company. So... I'm sorry but we should probably stop this childish game."


I placed the watch I'd bought him on his doorstep and turned and walked away.

"I have left your gift on the doorstep. Please accept it, you can do whatever you want with it later. You're probably right."

My chest hurts so much right now.

I want to cry.

"Wait-- are you here?"

I didn't answer, instead I pulled my phone away from my ear and hung up the call as I heard Kyoya calling my name.

I got in my car and drove away, when I looked in my mirror, I saw the door open and a figure stood in the doorway. Who it was, I don't know, all the Ooroti boys have similar lanky figures, it could literally be any of them, besides Mr Ootori. Obviously.

"I'm back," I announced.

"You're back so soon, did you find Kyoya?" Toru asked as I slumped down on the sofa.

"No," I replied, "I probably won't see him again either."

"You two fight?"

"No," I shook my head, "nothing like that."

"Then how on earth do you know?" she frowned.

"I just do, Ok?" I snapped, the sudden raise in my voice caused a sharp pain to shoot through me, a violent fit of coughs followed and right after, a slight appearance of blood.

"Y/n?" dad looked at me in horror before dragging me up and out the house.

Guess at this point I've got no choice in the matter.

This 18 year old is probably going to lose everything in one night. Fantastic.


Just as I thought. As soon as the doctors got a good picture of my heart and everything, they deemed that I could not return to Zodiac. I probably couldn't sing anymore or put much strain like that on myself without triggering some kind of response.

It's from my lack of self care during my time in the band and my even worse sense of caring for myself while on tour probably just made it worse especially because I got sick a couple times but still performed and stayed up late despite that.

Yay me. Well done. You're a total disappointment right now.

Right after that, dad brought me in for training in his company and this, my life as the next CEO in line of the l/n talent agency begun.

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