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He hugged me?!

And he teased me! I'm not OK with that!

"Big brother? Are you OK?" Toru walked in my room to see me on the floor, my head was basically swirling.

"I'm not too sure," I replied, I mean-- I feel way too hot for comfort and even with no shirt on I seem to just be getting hotter. My windows are open and the air conditioning is on as well.

"Holy-- it's freezing in here!" she shouted before walking over and putting her hand on my forehead and then her other hand on her own forehead, "oh wow, you've got a fever. I'll go get dad."

She ran out the room and I just sighed.

It's not freezing. I feel like I'm bathing in lava. It's too hot. I'm going to melt.

"Y/n?" dad walked in with Toru behind him, "How'd you get sick?"

"I left my windows open," I replied as he dragged me up and to my bed.

"Dumbass," he laughed, "put a shirt on."

The shirt he threw at me landed on my face, I sighed and weakly pulled it over my head before lying down again.

"Just rest and get better," he told me as he turned the AC off and closed my windows. A wet cloth was placed on my forehead.

"We'll have the maids look over you for the day," dad told me before the two left my room.

Man, how did I managed to let myself get so sick?

Oh well, if I sleep it off I should be fine again tomorrow.

Kyoya's PoV

"Kyoya senpai, have you seen y/n senpai?" Haruhi walked over, "did you find him yesterday?"

"I did find him," I nodded, pulling out project out of my bag and checking it briefly, "he should be back at school today, he told me he'd come back."

"Y/n," I started.

"Hm?" he replied, his breath tickled against the side of my neck as he did.

"Come back to school tomorrow," I told him, "I'll help you. The host club will as well. You don't need to worry."

He sighed before nodding.


"But y/n senpai hasn't come here yet," Kaoru pointed out.

"You sure he's even coming to school?" Hikaru asked.

"He said he was going to," I rolled my eyes and stood up.


"Mommy," Tamaki came into the clubroom, "y/n isn't at school!"

I know... Its lunch and he hasn't arrived yet. I'm getting irritated.

"Kyo chan have you seen--"

"Why are you asking me where he is?!" I snapped, quickly composing myself again, "I don't track every single one of that stubborn boys movements."

"Maybe this music room will be clear," a voice came from the door as it opened and in walked the new kids aka the missing members of Zodiac.

"Never mind," Zen shook his head, "this is such a pain."

"Why does no one in this school understand a music room is used to play music not to lounge around," Nanan hissed.

"We'll just have to go kick someone out of another room," Chika said, "these guys are who y/n hands around with apparently. You heard the rumour about him getting violent, right? I don't really want to be stuck in a room with delinquents."

"Delinquents?" the twins repeated, "we see no delinquents."

"So he doesn't fight?" Zen asked, now they were looking at us.

"As far as we know, he doesn't fight," I replied, "but he does get angry really easily."

"Yeah. That's our firework of a lion," Chika sighed, "by the way, is he still running away from us? He wasn't at school?"

"We don't know where he is," I replied, "I'm going to his house after school."

"When did you decide that?" Tamaki asked, "I want to go too!"

"If Tamaki senpai is going then we are too," the twins chimed, dragging Haruhi forward.

"Us too!" Honey senpai cheered. I sighed. No point arguing against it.

"If you don't mind," Zen spoke up, "we have to speak with him. If anything we need to apologise and snap him out of his slump. We only saw him for a moment but it was enough for us to say that we hate the look in his eyes."

"He had that look in his eyes once before," Chika said, "remember? When that first parcel came?"

"Yeah. Helplessness and if he's pushed anymore he's going to go into a blind rage," Nanan hummed, "He's freaking terrifying when he's angry. So scary~"

"Well you're the one who keeps annoying him, Kitten~" Zen stuck his tongue out at the boy wearing the cat ears, he received a frown in return.

"No seriously, you guys have never seen him when he's truly pissed off," Nanan said with a terrified expression, "he's unstoppable. You can tell he's the son of a gang leader."

"G-gang leader?!" the host club except myself and Mori senpai all shouted.

"What? You didn't know?" Zen asked, "we all came from a gang family with the exact same name as our band. The Zodiac gang. One of the biggest gangs in Japan and y/n's mum is the top dog, or should I say top Lion of the pride."

"Seems appropriate," Chika nodded, "anyway, I'm curious. What did you do to piss him off so much?"

"It wasn't me that pissed him off," Nanan replied, "it was a rivalling gang and we'd accidentally come across the conflict. Some of the lions were all knocked down and being beaten half to death and he tried talking them down but they threw a punch at me and he snapped. It was scary. His eyes... he probably would've killed those guys if his mum didn't appear to drag him away though she got punched in the process."

"Oh so that's why you were so scared when you heard that he'd turned to fighting," Zen nodded, "makes sense now. He's never really been one to control his anger too well. I remember he beat up a bunch of guys harassing a girl after one of our gigs."

"I'm starting to think he has a dark side. We should call him Dark y/n," Nanan suddenly made the topic of conversation light hearted as he laughed.

"That's stupid," Chika frowned.

"Yeah, I guess it is," Nanan laughed awkwardly before looking at us, "anyway! We'll meet you at the entrance at the end of the day! Don't leave without us!"

"Sure," I frowned, looking at them unsure as they left the room.

We all stood in silence for a while before it was broken.

"So he loses control?" Honey senpai asked, he was serious, his usual chipper tone seemed to have disappeared.

"But we've never seen him like that before so how can we really believe them?" Haruhi asked.

"We must take it into consideration and keep an eye out," I replied, "we don't know a lot about y/n, remember. So lets just keep an eye out. Anyway, we need to go, classes will begin soon."

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