Special: In Another Time 4/6

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"So you guys are doing the Kyoto concert?" Rein asked. I nodded.

"We can't afford not to," I told him, "remember? We're doing all of this on our own... Without our families financial help or backing. Which means-"

"We quite literally can't afford to cancel the show," Rein sighed, "I'm sorry I can't come. I'm letting you all down."

"Are you joking?" I just stared at him, "even if you were allowed to leave the hospital, which you're not before you try, I wouldn't be letting you go on stage even if you begged."

"Even if I... I don't know, wrote a song?" he asked.

"A song?" I repeated, "definitely not."

"What about... (favourite dessert)?" he asked.

"Nah," I shook my head, "even that's not enough."

Rein pouted.


I smiled before pausing and frowning.

"Are you..." I paused again, looking down at my hands, a moment later a hand was placed on mine, I looked up to see Rein smiling.

"I'm fine," he told me.

"I don't believe you," I stated.

He sighed and shuffled over, careful with the wire sticking out his arm, then he patted the empty space he created.

"Come here," he beckoned.

I watched him for a moment before pushing myself up off the very uncomfortable stool and carefully dropping myself down next to him.

"How are you lying here without complaining, huh?" I joked, "it's a bit uncomfortable."

Rein let out a small laugh and rested his head against my shoulder.

"Yeah," he hummed, "just a bit."

"... Just a bit," I chuckled.

A couple days later_

"Is Rein OK?" Nanan asked as myself and Zen finished tuning our guitars.

"The doctors said he's fine," I replied, "he's out of the red. So that's good, right? He's going to start going to therapy or something though."

"And the band?" Chika asked.

"Well I don't know about you guys, but I feel like taking a holiday," I hummed, "a long holiday."

I glanced over the three guys and then my eyes stopped on Cloudia who looked disappointed but gave an understanding nod.

"Always wanted to visit Poland," Chika shrugged.

"Oo! Oo! Hawaii!" Nanan exclaimed.

"Canada," Zen said after a couple moments of thought.

The three then looked to me with a curious expression.

"What?" I asked, pulling the strap over my head and standing up, getting ready to go out on the stage.

"Where do you want to go?" Nanan asked.

"And Rein. You know him better than he knows himself so I'm sure you know," Chika chimed.

I let out a small hum.

"Personally, I've always wanted to visit (location)," I replied, "and Rein? He wants to go snowboarding in the Alps."

"France," Zen let out a small hum, "heard they have good coffee."

"No, I think that's Ethiopia?" Chika cut in.

"What? No way. Its France, right?" Zen looked to Nanan who'd pulled his phone out.

"Ah... No. Chika's right. It says Ethiopia is famous for its coffee," Nanan confirmed, turning his phone around.

"... Best coffee country in the world is Ethiopia if hundreds of professional coffee tasters are to be believed," I read out, "well, it looks like Zen, you need to reread your coffee knowledge."

"My boss would be so disappointed," Zen sighed as he pulled his strap over his shoulder and carefully moved his bass behind his back.

"Well, enough of that, let's head out," I looked to them, they nodded and we walked out on the stage.

It was strange to walk out without Rein leading the charge. I don't want to be in a band without him, it's strange.

The crowd screamed loudly, I would not want to hear that without the in ear monitors.

"Good evening, everyone!" Nanan exclaimed excitedly as he skipped past me and did a cartwheel in the middle of the stage.

Show off.

"Good evening, Zodiac!" came a chorus of shouts across the room.

"There's a lot of people out here this time," I forced on a smile as I took centre stage, forced by Cloudia, "before we begin, we in Zodiac are very, incredibly annoyed with you, our dear fans, at the moment."

Got to make it sound like fluff or they'll get pissed at us.

"As you may have noticed," Zen placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled, "Scorpio isn't here."

"That is because he is in the hospital," I announced, "now I won't be giving specifics into his health or how he got there, however, I will tell you that it is because of us."

I paused for a moment.

"It's because we failed to filter and monitor the social platforms properly," I continued, the room was quiet as they listened, "there were many pieces of cyber bullying directed towards him, constantly building up until he couldn't take it anymore."

"We are angry at ourselves," Chika chimed in, "but we are absolutely furious at the people responsible for the constant hate and cyber bullying that lead to this situation."

"Therefore," Nanan dropped his stage characters cuteness and looked out at the crowd seriously, "from now on we will be taking a break. All of us. For the sake of the mental and physical health of everyone in our band. And also, there is now a large social media team who will be navigating and controlling the social medias in hopes that we can weed out all the venomous flies hanging around are lovely fans."

What a way to word it.

"So that means that tonight is going to be the last concert for a while," Chika announced as both me and Zen moved to our spaces and Nanan raised his drum sticks, "so let's enjoy it while it lasts!"

"One! Two! One! Two! Three! Go!" Nanan shouted, hitting his sticks together before we all began playing.

There's an imbalance without Rein.

But it's just tonight. We have many concerts ahead of us with all five of us, it just might take a little time to get there.

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