Special: Return To The Stage

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Years later_

"I'm home," I announced as I walked into the apartment, dumping my bag on the floor and shrugging my coat off, "Hello?"

I kicked my shoes off and walked further in.

"Anyone here?" I called out as I reached the living room. I pulled my blazer and tie off and placed them on the back of the sofa before looking around.

"That's weird," I muttered, "Kyoya should've picked Ryo up from the airport by now."

I noticed a sheet of paper taped to the window and walked over to see it was a message written by Ryo.

We've gone to the largest music hall in the city. Come meet us. Da said you'll know where to go.
~ Ryo.
P.s.- bring your guitar. I want to play it.'

Alright, you brat, you think you can play my prized guitar, huh?

I only have two guitars now. I have my own and... Rein's. I miss playing and singing but I'm too busy plus my stupid health likes to stop me after two or three songs now so I just don't bother.

"Why'd they go there?" I asked, poking my head into Ryo's room, "his luggage isn't even here? Did they go straight there from here?"

Shaking my head with a sigh, I change from my work suit and into a simple long sleeved f/c shirt with some black trousers and some shoes. I grabbed Rein's guitar from its stand and put it in a case before walking out.

"Why am I doing this?" I sighed before calling Katsuro, my devil assistant, and heading down to wait for him to pick me up.

Five minutes later, I was in the car and we were heading to find my husband and son.


"Be careful, sir, your health isn't as good as it used to be," Katsuro warned me as we walked through the building.

"I don't need you telling me that," I sighed as we reached the double doors that lead to the open area arena that I'm almost certain they're out on.

"Y/n?" a voice called out, slightly confused, I paused from opening the doors and turned to see Nanan, Zen and Chika all stood behind me.

"You guys are here too?" I asked, Zen had his bass on his back and Nanan had a pair of drum sticks in his hand.

"What's going on here?" Chika asked, "I have a feeling that something isn't right."

"Nah, it'll be nothing," Nanan brushed off Chika's words and kicked open the doors, "see? It's just an em...pty stadium? Huh?"

Suddenly, we were subjected to hearing the loud shouts and screams from the packed stadium. A spotlight was trained on us as we stood staring at the sight in confusion.

"What's going on here?" Zen asked.

"Good question," I frowned as Katsuro sighed.

"I'll go find Mr Ootori," he turned and walked away.

"Zo-d-ac! Zo-d-ac!" the crowd were chanting.

"Sounds like they're calling for us but why the heck--?" Nanan looked around in surprise but the excitement was also pretty obvious.

"Dad!" Ryo waved as he walked over with the rest of his band members.

They were Ryo l/n, Takano Kazuto (Reijin's son), Kana Reishi (Zen's daughter), and Chi Kotaro (Chika's daughter).

"Ryo! What the heck is going on here?" I asked.

He was now 23 years old (which made me 44 - cri), he and his band are pretty popular, they were called Taking Back Winter for some odd reason, I'm not going to complain, we named our band after our parents' gang.

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