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"Now. Over there are the twins, they're Hikaru and Kaoru, they're both first years. They're the brotherly type. Over there we have our third years Honey senpai and Mori senpai, the boy lolita type and the strong and silent type. Then we have Tamaki, our leader, he's the prince charming type. Then of course, Haruhi, the natural type. Finally myself, Kyoya, the cool type," Kyoya told me as he stood behind the chair I'd be forced to sit down in.

"Oh Kyo kun! n/n chan!" Honey senpai.

"Isn't it still early spring?" I asked, looking around the tropical paradise set up confused, ignoring what Honey senpai called me. Why does Kyoya get kun while I'm stuck with chan. Do I really look like something cute? What the heck? And why am I suddenly n/n? I hate it here...

"It's just more fun this way," Tamaki slung his arm around my shoulders. 

Don't flip him. Don't flip him. Don't flip him. Don't flip him. Don't flip him. Whatever you do, don't flip him.

"Do you have a problem with the way we run our club, l/n?" Kyoya asked.

"I have a problem with all of you guys. And stop calling me l/n, I'm not my dad. Call me y/n, yeesh," I rolled my eyes, "it's way too hot in here."

"You can't tell with your uniform on but you are pretty toned, y/n senpai," Haruhi commented as she walked over and placed a cup of coffee on the table in front of me.

"Yes well I had to keep a good image up," I replied. I'm just not going to mention that I was fighting a lot until recently...

"Hello, ladies!" Tamaki yelled out, I looked up with a sigh as I felt a bunch of eyes on me.

"Why are they staring at me?" I whispered, looking away awkwardly.

"Because you're very good looking, y/n senpai," the twins both chimed.

"I'm kind of jealous," Hikaru... no Kaoru... oh I don't know! The one with the slightly deeper voice. I think it's Hikaru...

"There's nothing to be jealous about," I shook my head as three girls sat down across from me.

"You're the transfer student, aren't you?" one of them asked.

"Yeah. What about it?" I asked, shooting her an annoyed glare.

"I was just wondering how you ended up joining the host club," she smiled.

"I'd also like to know that," I sighed, leaning back in my seat, I took a sip of the coffee and choked as a strong wave of intense bitterness took over, "ew-- what the hell? No sugar?!"

"You don't like black coffee, senpai?" Haruhi asked as she placed a small bowl of sugar on our table.

Wait-- why do I feel like I need to defend myself right now?

"That's not true! See! I can drink it straight!" I growled before forcing myself to down the drink. 

Disgusting... bleh...

"So you're stubborn too," Kyoya commented as he walked past.

"Oi-! Shut up!" I shouted before melting back into the sofa, "so disgusting..."

"I'm taking it you have more of a sweet tooth than a savoury or spicy?" Haruhi asked as she took a seat at my table.

"I like spice," I grumbled, "and sour things too. Bitter things are just disgusting so I balance things like coffee out with sugar."

"So you like cake?" one of the girls asked.

"Er--" I looked at her weirdly as she stretched out her fork, a hand under it to stop any crumbs falling off somewhere, "no."

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