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I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me.

Just opening my eyes a bit, I see that it was Satoshi. Smiling inwardly to myself, I decide to have some fun.

"Who dares to wake me from my slumber?" I asked in a dramatic evil overlord voice, "is it you?"

I opened my eyes and lunged forward, sweeping Satoshi off the ground and standing up.

"Well then, young champion, what is it you seek? Gold? Treasure? Strength?" I asked him. He gave me a goofy grin.

"Food, oh great protector of the sleep!" Satoshi replied.

"Food you say? Food?! How dare you request such a thing!" I continued my joke as I moved through the house and plopped him down on one of the bar stools in front of the counter, I grabbed my apron and threw it on, grabbed a spatula and turned to him, "so what is it you want? Eggs? Bacon?"

My tone at that point was slightly grouchy and questioning.

"Well?" I asked, waving the spatula around.

"Eggs, bacon and toast, please," he recommended.

"Alrighty," I nodded, "your wish is my command, young adventurer."

"Yay," he cheered as I walked over to the living room and grabbing the baby monitor, I looked onto the screen to see that the two younger boys were still soundly sleeping. Not only that, but I left a still sleeping Kyoya on the sofa.

There's no telling what time Kyoya will wake up at so I don't know when I should make him breakfast. I'll just cook for Satoshi and then cook for me and Kyoya later. I'll feed the younger two when they wake up as well.

Once I was finished making food for Satoshi, I placed the plate down in front of him and then walked back to the living room to see Kyoya still sleeping but I heard shuffling from Ryo's room and walked in to see that he and Takano was awake and sighed.

"Sorry, Kyoya, but I'm going to need you to wake up," I muttered as I walked out and tossed a cushion at his head.

He woke up immediately, a dark ass aura surrounding him. He turned and glared at me.

"I down have enough arms to feed two babies," I told him, turning around again and going into Ryo's room and picking him up, I passed him to Kyoya and then grabbed Takano and carried him out, "Ryo's baby food is the second cabinet to the right."

Kyoya sighed and nodded.

Takano is eating solids now but I don't know what to feed him.

Just as I thought that, a knock came from my door and I walked over, on the other side was an exhausted looking Reijin.

"I brought food for Takano," he raised a bag, "sorry about this."

"No worries, come in, world's most exhausted dad," I smiled as I stepped to the side and let him in, he nodded in thanks and went straight to the living room, dropping down on the sofa.

"Is Kaede alright now?" I asked, sitting down next to him and taking the food before feeding Takano.

"She's a beast when she's drunk," he muttered, "but now she's sober... She should be fine. She's just sleeping."

"A beast, huh?" I coughed out a laugh, "she's a bit weird when she's drunk. She likes to rant."

"Oh I know," he nodded, "I know."

"Fun fact," I smiled, "I met her in a gay bar, she was totally drunk out of her mind."

"A gay bar?!" he exclaimed, "first why was she there, second why were you there?"

"I was supposed to be a wing man," I replied, "then I got ditched so I just sat at the bar and finished my work off. As for your darling fiancée, I think the owner, her friend, thought she was a guy and invited her in. She didn't seem to question it and got drunk."

"Crazy," he stared at me before sighing, "were those two alright?"

"Yeah, Satoshi slept in my room and Takano shared Ryo's room," I replied, "they both slept well."

"What about you and Kyoya?" Reijin noticed the state of the sofa, "don't tell me you both slept on the sofa."

"We did, but don't worry, I've slept on the sofa a lot," I quickly assured him, "and knowing Kyoya, he probably did as well."

"Dad!" Satoshi ran over to us and jumped on Reijin's knee as I finished feeding Takano and placed him on the sofa before cleaning up the mess and going to the kitchen where Kyoya was sleepily feeding Ryo.

"Wow, perfect dad material right there," I chuckled, he shot me a glare, "You're seriously still not a morning person?"

"I've never been a morning person," he grumbled.

"Aw but Ryo is looking at you with such admiration, better get used to early mornings," I flicked his forehead and threw the rubbish in the bin before making him and (the obviously not fed) Reijin along with myself some breakfast.


Reijin had left with the boys and Ryo was happily lying on the floor doing whatever it is that he does while I had finished clearing up the living room and my room.

Kyoya walked out my room in some of my clothes.

"Wow, my clothes still don't fit you properly? Have you even grown?" I snickered at the sight of the slightly baggy sleeves.

"It's not my fault you're just tall not to mention you're buff as hell," Kyoya grumbled.

"Complaining?" I asked. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me forward before pulling me down and kissing me.

"Not at all," he replied, "just more for me to own."

"Own?" I repeated, "I'm no one's to own."

"Fine, let's but it another way," he leaned forward and whispered, "more for me to explore."

I stiffened and placed my hands on his shoulders before putting a decent amount of distance between us. I could feel my face burning.

"Alrighty then," I chuckled nervously, "that's about enough of that. I'm going to take a shower. Watch Ryo for me please."

A cold cold shower.

Damn. I really hate that bastard.

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