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2 years later_

"Here are the new recruit lists," my assistant passed me a sandy brown file, "and your afternoon medication."

I sighed but took the piles with no argument.

"As disgusting as ever," I muttered as I flipped through the file, "and these are as bland as ever. Do the youth have no sense of talent anymore?"

"I have no idea what you mean, sir," he looked at me blankly.

"Just listen to this, Katsuro, my best skill is spinning leaks," I read out, "who cares about spinning leaks? We're a talent agency for acting, modeling and music, not food."

I noticed Katsuro holding back a laugh.

"I see what you mean, sir," he nodded.

I groaned as I leaned back in my seat and dropped the file on my desk.

"Are you OK, sir?" he asked slightly panicked.

"Just peachy," I replied, "I going to leave early today."

"Have you finished your paperwork?" Katsuro asked. I squinted at him and frowned before grabbing the last group of paperwork, waving it around and grabbing my coat as I walked out of the room.

"I got it," I told him.

I'm being a friends wingman today, though it means I have to go to a gay bar. No complaints, of course, but I just feel slightly uncomfortable in them. Guys hit on me left and right but I'm just not interested.

Let's do a quick catch up of the past two years, I did my training to take over the family agency and now I'm running it, dad decided to retire early and I moved out of home and live in one of those super luxurious apartment buildings high above the city because I've got the money and nothing to spend it on so why the fuck don't I just buy pointless things that remind me just how alone I am? Fun...

After Kyoya broke up with me mercilessly, I haven't spoken to him nor any of the host club ever since or anyone from my past to be totally honest.

On occasion, I'll talk with Zen, Chika or Nanan, but that's not often.

I spend most of my time in my office signing paper and becoming pretty worried about the future entertainment industry with the kids who're signing up for the training in the agency. It's terrifying how bad some of them are...

"Where to, sir?" my driver was stood outside my car, I just dismissed him and drove the car myself. Last thing I need is for someone who works with me to see me going to a gay bar just to support a friend who will most likely ditch me within about two minutes so then I'm just sat at the bar awkwardly with a glass of water and my work. I'm not allowed to drink alcohol... It puts 'too much strain' on my body apparently, I've never tried it out but my doctor keeps reminding me so I've just stuck to it because I guess they do know best.

I arrived at the club to see my friend waiting. He waved and grinned when he saw my car pull up and walked over to me as I got out and locked it up, I had my paperwork under on arm.

"Y/n! You're here. I thought you were going to stand me up!" Aki Fukuhara, a guy I met a year ago, greeted me.

"I'm not like you, Fukuhara," I shook my head.

"Oh, c'mon! Why won't you use my first name?!" he frowned at me, "we've been close friends for what? A year and a bit? But you can't even say 'Aki'?"

I gave him a bored look.

"Look, if we're just going to stand out here and discuss my ways of addressing you, then I'm leaving," I told him, getting ready to turn.

"No!" he grabbed me, "let's go in. Please."

"Lead the way," I gestured, he nodded and we walked in.

Even though I'm 20 now, apparently I still look really young so ID is necessary. Jeez. Aki is 22 but he also still has the same problem.

Weirdly enough, we met in my apartment buildings gym. He was a personal trainer for some snobby rich kid and was getting verbally abused. Me, being the amazing citizen I am, got in the way and stopped the kid which then earned me this leach of a 22 year old who sticks to me and I can't shake him off.

Not that I mind... He's good company... Sometimes.

A bit over bearing, but good company nonetheless.

"So who's this guy?" I asked, Aki looked around before his eyes landed on someone, he pointed off somewhere, I looked in that direction to see about a thousand other dudes, "not helpful."

I turned just to find Aki had disappeared.

"I knew this was going to happen," I sighed, making my way over to the bar and sitting down, "water please."

"Of course," the bartender nodded, "I see you're back."

"And once again ditched," I nodded along.

"Poor guy," he chuckled as he placed a glass of water and ice in front of me. I noticed that a couple seats down there was a woman with short hair and boyish features.

"Who is that?" I asked, "doesn't she know this is a gay bar for guys?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "She's the bosses friend. I think he thinks she's a guy though. She's been here for a while just drinking."

"I see..." I nodded, "eh. Not my problem."

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